Yarrr, 'tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

What is a pirate’s favorite letter?

Can you rearrange the same seven letter word (…) to complete the rhyme?

When … throw …
They never are glum
They … round the f’o’csle
Swigging their rum.
The … …
Are pallid and pale
So spend a …
On lotion - and ale.

One of the day’s creators was on “Wife Swap.”

pastier pirates

Here’s the official song: tom smith talk like a pirate day - Bing video

Nicely done. I wasn’t sure how to blur.

A little more rum and you’ll be as blurry as the rest of us.

Little known fact: The rock band The Who had not one, but two members who talked like pirates:

Well, no wonder they could see for miles and miles.

Aaaarrrrhhh, I’ve been talking like a pirate all day, and all I’ve gotten were funny looks and people moving far away from me.

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho!

Yarr, I spoke like a pirate several times today, ye scurvy dogs - including to a musician in a pirate Hawaiian shirt - and got a good reception.

I like realism when I talk like a pirate, so I’m hijacking this thread. I demand a $50,000 ransom. I’m captain of this thread now!

A few things to think about until we reconvene next year…

Over the side with him, boys!

:: splash ::

Yarr, that be too easy. I be missin’ the days of a good keelhaulin’.

Yarr, see the OP, would ye, and join me in once more celebratin’ the day in proper style!

Arr, will it be roasted trocks on the each at sundown?

Yarr, me scurvy dogs!

Free booty on Talk Like a Pirate Day 2021

On Talk Like a Pirate Day, you can also talk like a pirate or dress up in your silliest pirate gear to get free stuff!. Traditionally, you can set sail for Long John Silver’s, Wendy’s, Sonice Drive In, and other US restaurants and fast food places for the day’s special giveaways and discounts.

This year, if you talk like a pirate at Long John Silver’s you get a free piece of fish or chicken … OR dress like a pirate and get a free 2-piece fish or chcken basket! Ordering in? Long John Silver’s is also offering free delivery throughout Talk Like a Pirate weekend.

Meanwhile, hold on to your britches as we update further announcements on free giveaways on Talk Like a Pirate Day 2021!

Avast, ye scurvy mateys!