
can anyone tell me if there is any physiological significance associated with yawning when you’re tired. cheers.

Cecil pulls through once again:


Well Cecil didn’t really answer the question, except to say “we’re not exactly sure why we yawn.” I wonder if there’s any information aside from that.

I sometimes go through periods in which I can NOT stop yawning. One after the other, no matter what kind of situation I’m in…I can be talking to someone else, doing something I enjoy, etc. It is embarrassing to be continually trying to squash a yawn that won’t go away. Plus, it makes me wonder if something is wrong with me.



you will find at least one very extensive thread on this topic from the last 90 days.

I have to say that just reading the thread title made me yawn. And I yawned through the description of continuous yawning, too. Damn you! :slight_smile: