Yay, freedom! Now quit firing guns into the air, dumbasses!

“Muslim” isn’t a race. Nor is “Middle Eastern Culture.” The two are fairly hand-in-hand. But neither is a “race.”

But in the future, I’ll try to be more PC by mocking Christians instead.

Would that be acceptable to you?

Those Middle Eastern men. You want to shake them.

Got the email, but I haven’t watched yet. I’ve been AFK over the weekend. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Drunken Hillbillies aren’t a race either you silly-head.

And yes, please preferentially mock Christians in the future. They’re the ones fucking up *this *country. :smiley:

I finished it and it wasn’t bad at all. I really wish they would’ve found the .30-06 bullet, though. I cannot find the stupid link now, but I remember reading a report stating that supersonic rounds can return to earth tail first without losing stabilization. In this case, the terminal velocity would be much higher than the 150fps they found.

And yet your attitude towards them is indistinguishable from racial prejudice. So it goes.

One thing that actually went right around here was Shannon’s Law.

Air-firers who haven’t actually won yet – like those in Libya – should also bear in mind that they are wasting precious ammunition, and are they really sure they can get more?

Denser ones, not heavier ones, and assuming the same friction.

It’s just their culture. We should be more understanding and tolerant. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for that. I love The Onion, but I missed that one. Classic.

I realize this is the Pit, so real ignorance-fighting is frowned upon, but since no one has addressed this, I’ll give it a shot. (yes, pun intended:D)

I can’t model the physics of tumbling bullets, lacking a super computer, and all, but we could estimate it by comparing it to the free-fall terminal velocity of human skydivers, which is, IIRC about 120 mph, or about 170 fps, somewhat more than half the velocity you are doubting. Bullets are denser, so, even tumbling, one would expect a higher terminal velocity. Since they are made of lead, which is more than 10 times the density of a human, I believe it is reasonable to assume that a bullet will have a terminal velocity of at least 300 fps, and probably higher.

How was that?

A bullet is denser, but much smaller, so it has a far higher surface-area to volume ratio - did you allow for that? Sand is much denser than human tissue, but sand grains can be blown on the wind much more easily than we can.

Well, as I said, I have no way to calculate it, lacking a supercomputer, so I have to Edumakated WAG it, but yeah, I was going on the concept from ballistics of “Sectional Density”, which is still much higher than a human, so yes I allowed for it as much as an EWAG can.