Yeah, that's a MUCH more appropriate sentence

How would these be different from reality?

Fire fighters as - damn!

forget it.

How much time needs to be served before he really gets out?
A guy who expresses his rage like this can just as easily do it to other living things.
Damn. PLD and I agree!

pldennison, I suggest a compromise between the current sentence and Mr. Fahri’s ideas. How 'bout a three year sentence in a local animal shelter – in one of those tiny cages.


uh…what’s a job like that pay? Excuse me ma’am…can I pet your pussy?


How about lawyers as … umm… lawyers?

Reuteurs- Following the advice of Washington Post columnist Paul Farhi, war-criminal Slobodan Milosevic was today named Chairman of the UN Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“I think this expierience will show Slobodan the kind of terrible pain and suffering he has caused. This will be a learning expierience for him,” said Patrick Malarky, a court-appointed psychiatrist, who went on to use the word “expierienced” a further forty-eight times in his statement.

Mr. Milosevic could not be reached for comment because, according to his aides, he has not yet finished laughing maniacally.