I’ve been holding this in for months now. Can’t take it anymore.
When I see a yellow “Support Our Troops!” or “Pray For Our Troops!” magnet on a car, I neither support nor pray. I think about how the driver is contributing to the wealth of hucksters who are preying on sentiment.
Beyond that, the dippy cursive font really irritates.
You haven’t seen anything. I can’t count the number of “people” with red ribbons in the same style that say “Support the Chiefs” on their SUVs, pickups, and minivans. Jesus Christ, that’s just pathetic on at least 5 levels, perhaps 7.
One of my parents’ cars has the yellow ribbon magnet on it, but we’re not contributing to anyone’s wealth, because it came from the ground in a parking lot. We are displaying pride in the American “woohoo, free stuff!” spirit.
I’m pretty sure the troops in Iraq can’t see all the way to the back of my neighbor’s car, so the ribbon is a waste of money. Besides, if you leave one in the same spot for a year or so, you’ll have an unfaded spot in the shape of a ribbon. :smack:
Hey! Not all of the Yellow Ribbon sales are going to hucksters!
My husband is serving in Afghanistan. I am the Family Support Group Leader. We are continually sending care packages to the soldiers and the money to pay for postage is raised through the Yellow Ribbon sales.
Also, when my husband’s unit returns, all of the Welcome Home celebrations have to be paid for by us.
What annoys the crap out of me is that many retailers are also selling the ribbons without making it clear that the profits are going right into the pockets of Walgreens or whoever. I was at a local Hallmark store recently and there was a stack of yellow ribbons at the front register. I asked the clerk where the proceeds were going and she gave me a long song and dance about how the money is being used to pay for the soldier’s Welcome Home celebration. Since I’m the one planning the Welcome Home, I knew better and called her manager the following morning. I was very disappointed that his staff was “telling tales” of supporting the troops. :mad:
Wives in my brother’s unit stationed in Germany sell these to raise money for care packages and welcome home parties also. My mom went to visit my sister in law over there and brought back the first of the yellow ribbons I’d ever seen. She’d bought a ton of them. All four of mine, placed one at a time, have wound up stolen though.
The thing that really chaps my hide is that it’s a MAGNET. It’s like “I support the troops, this week, but maybe not NEXT week, and not actually enough to, you know, STICK something on my car!!!”
There’s a parked cop car downstairs with a yellow ribbon that says “until they’re all home”. Everyday I walk by it I mumble to myself, “you’re going to waiting a long time motherfucker”
Our FRG is also selling the ribbons. They are using it to help support the families of troops with financial difficulties. They are buying gifts for all the children at the Christmas party. They are paying for the welcome home. It is not all going to “hucksters”. Try not to look down your nose at those who have them on their car. They may have a good reason to have it. No I can’t see them from where I am, but I appreciate the sentiment. I don’t like that stores are making a profit off of them but what are you going to do. I saw street vendors selling pictures of the WTC on 9-12.
In some novel or another (The Thorn Birds maybe?) a mom with sons at war is wearing a pin, with a thingie dangling from it for each boy. I wouldn’t find the Support the Troops stickers so annoying if I knew what they signified. If it was a way of saying “Our family is making the huge sacrifice of serving this country” it would get my respect. Heck, I might let 'em merge . Right before the election those stickers seemed to multiply overnight, and it felt like a right-wing “More Patriotic Than Thou” attack.
Gonna happen anyway. I predict a Republican President will pull a Nixon: declare victory and go home, and watch the civil war from afar. I just think we should do it now and spare American mothers the grief of losing their sons and daughters to an unjustified war. Unfortunately, the sad fate of Iraq is sealed.