Yes, GRIND does looks like the next CITIZEN KANE

When you can quote along with the lines from the movie the first time you see the preview, it ain’t a good sign.

Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a lot of deja view (hee - just made that up myself!) lately when they see movie previews that look like a hundred movies you’ve seen already?

BTW, I liked 1941, but it tanked nonetheless.

Even granting that “every director has a clunker on his resume,” which is a ridiculous statement, you’re suggesting, without seeing it, that THIS one will be his FIRST clunker in a so-far perfect record.

Well, yes.

If he’s so good at making movies that are

why resort to formulaic crap?

Who knows? I certainly won’t until I see it.

Many directors who make brilliant independent films sometimes take a paycheck from a studio to make a mainstream film in between in order to finance their own independent projects, but that doesn’t mean that they’re just gonna “phone it in.”

If you start out with a hackneyed script, the best way to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse is to give it to a great director.

I’m not suggesting that it will be as good as his independent projects, but I have little doubt that it will be better than the material deserves.

(Ever seen Made in Heaven? the most shudderingly cliche plot: “Shortly after arriving in heaven ]the protagonist] meets a new soul . . . who has never lived on Earth before. The drama centers around their separation soon after being wedded and the burning question is whether they will reunite on Earth before time runs out or whether they are fated to eternal soul-searching.” Piece of crap script, given to Alan Rudolph [Choose Me, The Moderns, Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle, Afterglow], who took the material and made it seem completely original.)

If anyone call pull a similar rabbit out of a similar hat, it’ll be Boaz Yakin.

And the truly disgusting thing about this movie is that you just KNOW that stoner boy is going to skronque some supermodel-looking girl like a wild fucking boar. Probably yelping “D00d3! D00d3! D00d3!” the whole time…

Seriously, the adverts for this film make me ill. I wish, oh how I wish, that surfer girl would taser or pepper spray stoner dude instead of just saying “gross”, in response to “releasing those twwwiiinnnns!”

Quite the pretensious bunch, aren’t you? Just because the movie doesn’t appeal to your tastes doesn’t mean that anyone who does want to see it is an idiot or that it’s “obviously” a waste of film.

Not that I want to see it. Just, y’know, saying…

Well, my skateboarder SO says it will bomb because no real skateborder will be caught dead at it (apparently Debaser will back him upon this) and since there are plenty of better places to see breasts.

I worry there are enough idiot wannabees (or is that wannabee idiots?) out there to at least make it profitable.

Just this once I hope SO proves me wrong :).

Yes, but in this case it does.

I mean, c’mon. If the skateboarding film is offending skateboarders, whose taste, other than idiots, are we talking about?

Now playing in my city:

2 Fast 2 Furious
Bad Boys II
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle
Freaky Friday
Freddy vs. Jason
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde
Matrix Reloaded
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over
Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines
X-Men 2

Personally, I’m running to see Grind. At this point Hollywood is so out of ideas, that giving money to stoners would be their only hope.

My (puff, puff) project focusses on the backlash against feminism as seen through the eyes of an independent record producer who is struggling against urges brough on by a mid-life crisis. It combines Felliniesque imagery with the mature brooding style of a later Ingmar Bergman…

And, of course, titties galore.

Lissener, did you even read what you quoted?

Originally posted by dalovindj
Uptown Girls
Open Range

Are they trying to get people to kill themselves during the previews?

The previews! He mentioned the previews! You mentioned the previews! The OP mentioned the previews. We’re all talking about the previews. You keep defending a movie you’ve never seen as a great work of art when that’s entirely beside the point. Why is it on the list? Because dalovindj didn’t like the PREVIEW.

I actually want to see Gigli. I hate both Lopez and Afleck. They are saying that this is actually the worst move ever made. It scored the lowest rating ever on IMDB’s rankings by viewers. (The other 9 movies on the top ten are all cheesy 80’s horror and sci-phi.)

Even Afleck recently admitted that the movie was crap and that they are not going to market the next movie with both he and Lopez as a “Ben and Jen” movie.

This movie is so bad, I just have to see it. I can not, in good concience, go to a movie theater to see this. I can wait for HBO to have it. I don’t want to support this kind of crap.

For Hollywood, yes.

Why don’t you go throw the 10 bucks in a burning garbage can?

That would be a better way to spend it.

I was going to post a reply, but I see that Enderw24 has already stated what should have been painfully obvious to anyone. Thanks.

Good lord, I can’t beleive my eyes. Someone is, vehemently, mind you, defending Uptown Girls!

Will wonders never cease?

Idiots (Ender, dj, juanita)–

I’m not defending any movie. I’m defending the movie’s director. I’m protesting that YOU IDIOTS are the one who is judging a movie by the preview, when the entire point of every post I’ve made to this thread has been “You can’t judge a movie by its preview.” I’m explaining why the director’s track record leads me to give him the benefit of the doubt until I see the movie, but for all I know this WILL be his first stinker.

I’m reacting to people who have not seen the movie but are nonetheless positive that it will be bad; all I’m saying in here is YOU DON’T KNOW THAT YET.

I predict it won’t get any better.

What else am I going to use to decide whether I’m going to pay to see a movie or not…my magic eight ball? I’ll stick to basing my decision to see a movie on the preview and subject matter and you stick to seeing them based on the director.

Wait, Remembering the Titans is “astonishingly original?” Did you watch the same feel-good football movie that I did?

Well, I guess anything that isn’t based on a '60s TV show qualifies for that description these days…

Uptown Girls looks fucking stupid. That’s what everyone’s saying. And isn’t the “preview” supposed to clue you in as to whether or not you want to see the movie? If you don’t use the preview to decide if it’s worth watching, then what do you use?

Christ. You’re supposed to judge a movie by the preview, you choad! That’s what previews are for! In fact, trailers are supposed to make the movie look better than it really is. The fact that, despite having 90+ minutes of film to use in putting a trailer together, they still can’t make the movie look even mildly interesting speaks volumes about the quality of the film.