Yes, I have ibuprofin. No, you may not have some.

Or maybe just, “THIEF.” :wink:



Start asking them first. If they have any, slowly build up a stash for them to ask for back.

From the** title of the thread**:

Seriously, how did you even get in here without seeing that?

From the first sentence of the OP: Although to your face I’ll say that I don’t have any.


Looks like you need an ibuprofreader.

**Otto, ** you could always do what I do. I had a mooching problem and so I bought a big bottle of ibuprofen with 500 tablets for $15.00 which equals to about $0.03 a piece. If anyone wants one, it’s a quarter a piece.

Mooch: “Got any painkillers?”

Dirty Harry Dude: “Yeah, fifteen of 'em, real strong.”

Mooch: “Yeah? Myprodol?”

Dirty Harry Dude: “Nah, Black Talon.”

Meh. Just hand them the pills and go about your life, secure in the knowledge that by doing so you are better than they.