Yes, I have pennies in my pennyloafers.

Is this surprising? They’re pennyloafers, so you’re supposed to put pennies in them.

Why does everyone who looks at my shoes feel the need to exclaim, “You’ve got pennies in your pennyloafers!”

I remember when people were putting Susan B. Anthony dollars in them. Kind of a depressing reminder of inflation.

I don’t know why they are saying it, but I would sayt it because that’s really cute.

Because only literal-minded nerds actually put pennies in their penny loafers. Us hip kids leave 'em empty. :wink:

My sister taught me to insert NYC subway tokens, so I’d always have extra when running around the city. These days, it’s MetroCard only. Try jamming one of those in the ol’ Weejuns. Sigh.

I haven’t owned a pair of pennyloafers in years, but I always put the pennies in them – that’s where they got the name!

It turns out my sister was notoriously considered uncool because I taught her to do the same thing when she was in junior high. :o


But-but I *like * literal-minded nerds.

Actually, I think I *am * one. :eek:

I have to ask… what are pennyloafers? I gather they’re a type of shoe, but do they have a little pocket in them or what?

  • Sunspace, who hails from the land of what right now are honkin’ big Sorels.

That’s literal minded geek to you. I’m much too snappy a dresser to be a nerd. :smiley:

Penny Loafers

I tried putting pennies in my penny loafers, but turns out mine are only pseudo penny loafers. :frowning:

Penny loafers. You’ll note that there’s a slot in the “saddle” that some literal-minded geeks put pennies in. :rolleyes:

Thanks! I didn’t know that that was the name of that style. And I had no idea that the ‘slot’ was actually once a pocket. I figured that you all were putting the pennies in the heel or something…

Hey, what’re the rolleyes for? I think he was only joking.

Am I the only person reading the thread title as

Yes, I have penis in my pennyloafers.

But the flagon with the dragon has the brew that is true.

I figured that the OP had looked down at his shoes one day, and penis ensued.

Well of course you didn’t. Since you’ve probably never seen anyone put pennies in them. Since … well, you know. :smiley:

not only do i put pennies in penny loafers, i use pennies that have the year i bought the loafers on them. i know exactly how old my loafers are.

just call me “super nerd.”

Wow. I somehow missed the memo on this one. Sure I’ve heard of penny loafers. I think I even have some around. But I’ve never seen or heard anyone ever actually putting pennies in them. Is this a real tradition, or am I being totally whooshed here?

Because most of the yuppies who wear “Weejuns” nowadays are too prissy to be seen with pennies in their shoes. If I were in a room of 100 people wearing penny loafers, I’ll bet you that the ones with the pennies in 'em would be the only ones worth talking to!


Oh, fer Og’s sake!

I thought the OP said “I have penises in my pennyloafers.”

That’s it, people. We have GOT to put an end to “penis ensues”! I am NOT kidding, here!

rubs eyes, looks again at screen “Pennies…” grumble