Yes, I know my life has changed forever.

Squeeeebaby! I also like the name George. 'Cause, you know, you can love him and hug him and squeeze him and name him George.

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congrats! Don’t believe them when they tell you your life will change. Everything stays exactly the same.

Provided of course you were already poor, sleep deprived, smelled like poop and vomit, carried around more equipment than a Sherpa climbing Mt. Everest and had a wallet full of pictures that you could whip out at a moments notice. Otherwise, yes, everything changes. And it is really for the better.

By the way, just how high up was he? It sounds like he was hiding under your wife’s larynx.

Woohoo for fresh-squeezed DoperBaby! Congratulations! Be prepared to be floored by how amazing the simpliest things can be when you’re looking at it through his eyes.

Oh, and maybe your life has changed, but believe me, only for the better. The other night my 7-month-old was awake at 2 AM, and I sat him up on my stomach and looked at him in frustration. He laughed at me, and I started laughing, too. At 2 AM. Even though I was exhausted & had to get up and go to work in the morning. I just couldn’t help it, he was so cute! :slight_smile:

Congratulations—and what a handsome young’un he is!

He’s beautiful. good luck to all of you.

That sounds like it totally sucks.

I think you forgot the part where your childless friends no longer want to hang out with you because they aren’t interested in “look at the baby! look at the baby!”

Congratulations! I was a c-section kid too, and I turned out just fine! nervous laughter

Yep, but there’s the good stuff, too. Like sharing ice cream with a person for their very first time ever. And watching airplanes, and ducks, and running through sprinklers again. Having a legitimate excuse for going to see Disney movies was great for a while, until the movies started to stink. And nothing, but nothing, beats the joy of blowing bubbles on a baby’s belly and hearing those giggles. It’s even better than chocolate.

Congratulations! He’s a cutie! I love the suspicious expression in the second one- “And you are who? And why do I care?” :smiley:
I mind the, “And your life will shatter and is over” comments more than the ’ Your life is changed forever!" ones, but they’re the same at base. Thanks, guys. You’re right. Breeding always wrecks your life. Thanks for the gloomy comment.

Wow, what a beautiful family! I’m especially touched by the photos of Grandpa and George. Don’t worry, things should go right back to normal after this.

Thanks everyone for the compliments. We’re home now, starting down this long path. He’s the first grandchild on both sides, so he’s in for a lot of spoiling.

He was up around her ribs almost. He had totally left her pelvis. I think he was trying to come out of her mouth, and with the amount of vomiting during the pregnancy, he may have felt that was the way to go.

Grandpa and Grandma are my parents, Nana is my wife’s mom. I’ve never seen them as happy as they were on Thursday.

And hopefully he’ll look more like my wife than me. Especially her height.

Congrats! But I have to admit I misread your OP as “Last Thursday, the 1st wife and I welcomed our first child into the world,” and I was a little surprised you’d remarried so soon.


You know, he looks like a George. :slight_smile:

Hang on tight – you’re about to go on the roller coaster ride of your life! It’ll be thrilling, frightening, more fun that you can imagine and over with waaaaay too soon. Enjoy!

That’s wonderful! Who’s the father?


I guess. I’m going to go back to doing whatever I feel like all day long.