Yes, Virginia, there is a Lucifer

Today is the feast day for Saint Lucifer!

How should we celebrate?

we could play beatle records backwards and wear black clothes

No, you mean Led Zeppelin records backwards. Beatles records played backwards just tell you that Paul is dead.

Tonight I’ll celebrate by drinking a virgin’s blood out of a goat’s horn to wash down my PB&J.

Burn down an abortuary and sing Kumbaya.

Strike a heretic on both cheeks.

Get drunk with a priest.

Flirt with a nun so she’ll know she’s still beautiful.

Go to mass and show a LOT of enthusiasm. Interject with extra Amen!s and Hallujuah!s.

Forgive anyone who has ever slighted you. In person. With a hug.

Invite a Jewish coworker to lunch and then share the gospel with him.

Where’s our goat?

If you play Wings records backwards they tell you that Linda’s dead, which proves they’re prophetic. They also tell you that Mull of Kintyre sucks, but everyone knows that already.

Never heard of the guy. Interestingly enough, he is not mentioned here
Saint Feast Days in May - Saint Feast Days - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online (Catholic Online - Saints and Angels - Feast day List - May)
or here
Saints A to Z: L - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online (Catholic Online - Saints and Angels - Saints Index - L)
or here
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Index for L (New Advent - Catholic Encyclopedia, 1917 - L)

Could someone have created a joke page in Wikipedia?

Supposedly Lucifer is one of the “2 1/2” angels mentioned in the bible. No mention of sainthood that I know of.

The discussion and history pages of the article make it look plausible that the article is real. Either that or no doubters have been up to checking the sources cited over the last two years.

I tried to look at the sources mentioned in Wikipedia but they mostly dead links. Did you find any valid links in the wikipedia article? Links that bring you to a page mentioning this St. Lucifer?

From the Catholic Encyclopedia

Definitely a real person, but no indication in the article that he is a saint. Of course, that sort of thing is somewhat ill defined for saints from the early days.

I’m going to go knock up Mia Farrow.

Well there you have it. I wonder why his name wasn’t in the index that I posted a link to earlier. It sounds like this Lucifer guy might have been a royal PITA if you didn’t agree with him. Not the kind of guy that someone would make a saint? I wonder where the “legend” of him being a saint comes from.

I found another page that mentions his sainthood

L. fu in seguito canonizzato ed è celebrato il 20 maggio.

and there is a Saint Lucifer church in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) but it seems odd to me that he is not in any lists of saints I could find. I will have to reasearch this some more.

I see three references listed and none of them is a link, so…em, whatchoo talking bout?

This Wikipedia page ( Lucifero di Cagliari - Wikipedia ) says that the sainthood of Lucifer of Cagliari was very disputed after his death, and that “Urbano VIII, con il decreto del 20 giugno 1641, avrebbe ordinato a tutti di astenersi dal trattare in pubblico la questione della santità di Lucifero e dal condannare o difendere il suo culto fino a nuova decisione della Santa Sede.” translation: Urban VIII, with his decree of 20 June 12641, had ordered everyone to abstain from discussing in public the question of the sainthood of Lucifer and from condemning or defending his beliefs, until a new decision from the Holy See". But it doesn’t say anything about any new decision. I’m still confused!

I meant the first External Link from the english-language Wikipedia article at Lucifer of Cagliari - Wikipedia and some other links which I thought I saw at Wikipedia but now I’m losing track of where I saw what.

I heard it was a wicked good recipe for lentil soup.

There are church rules nowadays about who can be allowed to be publicly venerated, and they depend on Vatican approval, but likely there was more local freedom in that regard in the early days. And the Cagliari parish got grandfathered in.

btw, it is allowed to privately venerate anyone deceased. The rules just apply to church sanctioned public devotion.