From the makers of Slumdog Millionaire.
A struggling musician gets hit by a car and wakes up in a world where no-one ever heard of the Beatles or their music…and HE becomes a Rock God.
From the makers of Slumdog Millionaire.
A struggling musician gets hit by a car and wakes up in a world where no-one ever heard of the Beatles or their music…and HE becomes a Rock God.
Already been done.
“In the Centrex province, Trace and Gina introduce rock ‘n’ roll music, and record songs written by the Beatles and other classic artists.”
Everything old is new again. Especially if people forget the first time.
Heh. My 8-year-old son recently saw all three “Back to the Future” films, and he has several years of Beatles listening (forced and unforced) under his belt, so he might find this amusing. (Plus, he’s genetically part South Asian).
I wondered why the concept was familiar…an old furry story of a human transported to a world of werewolves passing off Def Leppard material as his own.
The same plot point was featured in the 1993-99 BBC comedy Goodnight Sweetheart.
I’m not sure if “forget” is the right word to one episode of a very shortlived 80’s tv show.
I remembered…
I recently rewatched Otherworld. It is really, really, really, really bad.
I wonder about the concept. If no one in the world has heard of the Beatles, would the songs be as successful coming from someone else? Certainly part of their appeal was them (their personalities, appearance, charm, etc.).
Don’t get me wrong; I’ve enjoyed most of Danny Boyle’s movies and will definitely see this one. But I do wonder.
I hope he tries to pull off Revolution #9 and they hate it.
I remember that this concept was also used when some guy was transported back in time to like the 1500s or something. (Obviously, there are a few Beatles songs that you couldn’t use in that time period.)
But this looks good, and I wanna see it. I could take Mom out to see it! It comes out the day before her birthday!
Well, I thought it didn’t work in Otherworld, either. They went from the beginnings of rock to Beatles to heavy metal to David Bowie in the course of the episode. I don’t think it would work. There’s no context. You can’t appreciate more modern rock unless you know what it is reacting against. And you can’t just give your audience one side - the Beatles worked somewhat because they were better than their contemporaries doing the same thing.
And in a similar thing, give Sgt Pepper to someone in Beethoven’s time and it’ll just be noise. No context. Too drastically a different style than they are used to,
Sgt Pepper wouldn’t even work in the early 1960s, when the Beatles were just getting started.
There’s a plot point in Tim Powers’ The Anubis Gates where a time traveler goes back to London in 1810 and hears someone whistling a certain song:
(Accidental double-post.)
The trailer is really very charming. I’m looking forward to it.
Oh I think their music transcends the band - just look at all the millions of cover songs and the lasting appeal.
And Danny Boyle is a genius, so I’m looking forward to this.
Reaction Videos:
- YouTubeYesterday - Trailer Reaction/Review/Rating - YouTube"I’ve got two men…who claim that the song are THEIRS!"
Coincidentally (or not coincidentally?) the first song played by the time-travelers in the manga I mentioned was also Yesterday.