Yet another geography question

I tried searching the CIA World Factbook, to no avail.

  1. Currency is the Pound


  1. area of 115 sq km

  2. 7 times the area of D.C.

  3. mild winters cool summers

  4. Elevation range from Atlantic Ocean to 143 meters

  5. Ag and tourism economy

  6. exports potatoes, cauliflower adn tomatoes.

Thanks in advance

Sounds like Northern Ireland.

That was my first thought, too. Can anyone else verify this?

Isn’t Ireland bigger than 115 sq km?

I’d say the Fauklands.

N Ireland is just under 245,000 sq km
It has to be somewhere small like the Falklands - but “mild” winters? Tourism?

Not the Faulklands, way too big. The CIA factbook only lists U.K. as a whole. Though technically N Ireland isn’t bordered by the Atlantic, but rather a channel or something.

I don’t know how the hell her teacher thinks these 12 y/o’s are supposed to find this stuff

I have a hunch it could be the Scilly Isles.


It’s one of the Channel Islands off the northern coast of France. All the other facts fit and there’s even a variety of potato called the Jersey Royal.

FWIW, Northern Ireland isn’t “bordered by a channel or something”, it has the Atlantic Ocean to the north, the North Channel to the north east (Scotland is on the opposite side), to the south east by the Irish Sea, and to the south and west by the Republic of Ireland.

Makes sense now. I would have got there if I’d thought hard enough…

thanks everton!

Jersey is .7 the size of DC, though, not 7. Typo in the OP i’m sure. Otherwise there’s gonna be a heck of alot of confused 12 year olds!

Damn, in the time it took for me to find the answer someone already got it. I was so proud of myself, too! :slight_smile:

Yup, typo. Thanks again everone.

Also makes sense as a question in that whilst part of the Channel Islands, Jersey is a distinct country in it’s own right - not part of the United Kingdom.