Our back yard looks out over the Atlantic Ocean on the North Shore of Boston. We see sailboats, power boats, jet skiers, kayakers (but not, AFAIK, @kayaker) and fishing boats, including lobstermen who leave lobster pots and their distinctive float markers in our “back yard.”
But we’ve never seen one of these before:
(Sorry they’re fuzzy, but they were taken with my phone at max zoom.)
It looks like a big inner tube you might use to float down a river, except it appears to be triangular, not circular. I’m guessing it’s about 3-4 feet across. It hasn’t moved since 8/30, so it’s anchored, not random flotsam.
My first thought was a raft or floating platform a scuba diver might use, but there’s no red diver’s flag, and it’s been there more than two days.
Any ideas?