Yet more reasons to hate Ticks (the parasites, not the superhero)

I just pulled a tick off my cat, Blue (black and white shorthair), and was looking for a way to dispatch it, i grabbed my Victorinox Signature Lite Swiss Army Knife off my keyring and deployed the scissors, cutting the tick diagonally across it’s thorax…

and the front part of the tick (the part with the head) is still trying to crawl around, even after losing 50% of it’s body…

i finished it off with a quick stab of the SAK’s pen blade…

still, that was creepy, a half-tick crawling around on my desk…

looks like it’s not just the superhero that’s nigh-invulnerable

whoever invented ticks needs to be fired, i hate the little bastards…

Try pulling a dozen of the bloodsuckers off a horse, the day after they got aboard, so they’ve had time to suck a bellyful of blood out.

Oh, and they like to attach at tucked-away places, like in the mane and tail, inside the elbows, or up in the groin, so you have to hunt and probe all over to find them.

As a parting gift, if you don’t find them in time, they often leave a blood-daubed crusty spot in the center of an edematous lump.

This is why I love guinea fowl, despite their drawbacks.

My nephew now is undergoing treatment for Lyme’s Disease caused by a bite from a deer tick.
I think ticks are the nastiest bugs.

Hold’em in a pair of tweezers and flick your Bic. They make a most satisfying popping sound.

Pulling them off our farm dogs when I was a kid was a daily chore. I hate those little bastards.