My wife is always telling me…“You brought that upon yourself!”
When I do stupid things like drill a hole through my hand with my Dremmel. Or bring the dog outside when I know there’s a skunk in the yard, or forget my deoderent on my 3 hour lecture days.
You brought that upon yourself!! Damn it. !!
Then there are times when it works in a positive way.
I am on a walk with Mrs.Phlosphr and I say “wow honey I’ve been exceptionally lucky this week, things just feel like I’m in sync with my energy levels, or the universe…”
Then I look down and see a twenty dollar bill on the side of the road…I almost expected it.
For more info about expectations remember the famous Rosenthal Study…
To sum it up -> Teachers were told at the beginning of the semester that the kids in the front three rows were very smart. Though in actuality they were completely normal. Throught out the semester the teacher treated those kids like she expected them to perform like the smarties she was told they all were. At the end of the semester the kids in the first three rows all had A’s and their IQ scores rose 2 points.
Learned Expectedness - Self-fulfilling Prophecy. We take thousands of cues from the peopel we work/play with everyday and we tailor our motivations and cues accordingly.
Ever been on a date you knew would go horrible, or woke up in the morning knowing the day was going to be crappy, and it was? Or how about the converse, has it ever happened to you in a positive way?
I wonder why we can’t make it happen in positive ways more often by haveing a greater control over our cues?