You can revive one dead rock musician, with ONE condition...

This is a question a local radio DJ mentioned pondering with her coworkers, and it seemed interesting…

You can bring any one deceased rock musician to life. BUT, that person will sound (and presumably look and perform) as they would have had they never died. So you can’t have the 1978 Jim Morrison back; it must be what he would have been like had he lived to 2003.

So with that in mind, who would you bring back? The DJ wanted Freddie Mercury. What about you?

I want John Lennon back! :frowning:

Sandy Denny

Gram Parsons

Kurt Cobain

Marvin Gaye

Frank Zappa
John Lennon
Miles Davis
Warren Zevon
Duane Allman
Marvin Gaye
Stevie Ray Vaughan
George Harrison
Jim Croce
Brad Nowell
Gram Parsons
Clarence White
Screamin’ Jay Hawkins - since I never got to see him play live.

And special consideration for Skip Spence since he finally seemed to be getting control of his mental problems when he died of cancer. Plus I want to know what else besides “Land Of The Sun” he still had in him after all this time.

Beethoven might sound pretty cool after all these years. Probably learned a few tricks.

I must second Bradley Nowell.
I never even knew about Sublime until the bastard was already dead, so I never got to see them.

Shit, where have I been? I didn’t know Marvin Gaye and Miles Davis were dead. That sucks.

Another vote for Duane Allman.


I’d still go with Jim. :slight_smile:

Of course, he’d be over 230 years old.

He’d be a decomposer!

For some reason, I see an aged Jim Morrison looking like Marlon Brando. About 350 lbs living on an island in seclusion.

Mmmmm…maybe he already is…

Jeff Buckley

John Lennon, Joe Strummer.

Taking the aging issue into account, only Duane Allman and Stevie Ray Vaughan would be likely to have kept their chops and licks in shape. Miles (if he can be R&R!) would be on the down side of too old to be making much great music by now, I think.

The singers would have lost their voices even more than Frank had by the time he was in his 80’s. So just the players would have a shot.

It would be great to see Lennon again, even if just to be here.

I’m for Freddie Mercury too.

Cass Eliot. She’d be what, in her early 60s now? I’d love to see how her life played out, when the fitness craze struck and Richard Simmons got hold of her.

Seconding Freddie Mercury.

I am sure The Queen would still have the juice once Freddie is here.

Another vote for Mr Mojo Risin here. The best part is that two of the three remaining members are now touring and HE could make a surprise appearance.

Speaking of which, AIRMAN, have you gone to see the 21st century Doors?

Freddie Mercury
Jim Croce
Barry Manilow

The awesome, Godlike Gene Clark.

Miles Davis and Hendrix would still be making challenging (and possibly unlistenable) musuc. Lennon would be the weirdest old fart in the world. Jim Morrison had shot his creative load long, long before he died. And Freddie Mercury would have had his own (very good) chat show by now.

John Lennon

Sandy Denny

Warren Zevon

Frank Zappa

All of them great; all of them missed.