You can tell me. It won't hurt my feelings

I like you and your posts but, yes, I do find them difficult to follow quite often. It’s not a majority of time, but it’s enough that I do associate your username with idiosyncratic prose.

And stop shaving with a fork. You look like Yasir Arafat.

I’m working hard on a stream of unconsciousness. Medications help, and setting timers to random intervals. But don’t leave mandolins scattered around the floor to stumble over. No good can come of that.

I’d start with descriptive thread titles.

Good thread title: Am I a confusing, stream of chaotic conscious writer?
Bad thread title: You can tell me. It won’t hurt my feelings

Having recently finished Bob Dylan’s Chronicles I, I can say your stream of consciousness is clearer and less turbulent than his, if that’s any help. The only post of yours I found remotely confusing was the one about your daughter’s roommate. At least, I think it was about your daughter’s roommate*.*

It was.

I don’t have any trouble understanding you. I sometimes find you very funny.

"He asked how I am. I mentioned my impotence but he isn’t a psychologist so he was uninterested."

That made me laugh out loud.