You can tell me. It won't hurt my feelings

Am I a confusing, stream of chaotic conscious writer?

Yes. Why would that hurt your feelings?

Some people are more sensitive than i.

Some of the greatest writers in history produced a stream of chaotic consciousness. Nothing wrong with it at all. Just had a thread about that kind of song lyric. I think you’ve mistaken the jealousy of others for criticism.

Me too.

Such as?

A couple of easy ones, James Joyce and Hunter Thompson.

Mikey you are a writer I find easy to understand. Don’t take that as a compliment it just means my head is chaotic too.
Birds of a feather flock together.
It seems to me there are a good many of us flocking together.

Chaotic conscious(ness)? Sure. Confusing? No, I’ve never found you confusing (or at least in a bad way).

It’s all good, keep being you.

I don’t understand the question. Get to the point.

You are wonderful. Just ask your dogs. They worship you. Cats are more ambivalent. Be nice, be accepted, and don’t sneeze much.

To be honest, I was hoping for helpful criticism, not fishing for compliments.

Okay: stop combing your hair with a firecracker. It’s not a good look.

I can’t comment further on your writing style with any accuracy outside the Pit and I don’t want to start a Pit thread just for this so I’ll say “yes” to the question in the OP and leave the rest implied.

You have my permission to Pit me, in a limited fashion linguistically, here.

How about some examples of posts you feel insecure about?

Okay, here’s some general advice: beware the Curse of Knowledge.

And here’s an example specific to you:

Recently you started a thread with the following OP:

This probably makes sense to anyone who’s familiar with your situation, based on your posting history. But anyone who hasn’t read your previous threads, or who hasn’t made the connection ("Oh yeah, dropzone is that guy), isn’t going to know what the heck you mean by “here” or “this dump.”

So, when you start a new thread like that, you have to either provide some background (“Previously on Dropzone’s Life…”) or accept that it’s only going to be intelligible to some of the people who click on it.

I’ll pit you. Watch out for it. I’ll get right on that post.
When I stop giggling.:slight_smile:

I know, I know I’m less than helpful.
You’ve been in the board since biblical times I believe everyone knows you pretty well.
And, I like you, what more do you need? :slight_smile:

Mikey, don’t sweat the small stuff.

That’s a good point. Thank you.

I assume that this thread was at least partially prompted by how when you posted this thread, the first response was

And yes, in that thread at least you are suffering from the curse of knowledge. Perhaps out of a desire to (imperfectly) preserve confidentiality, you toss out shards of knowledge about the identity and gender of the individuals involved that is enough to pique curiosity but not enough to piece together the narrative with any confidence. It’s like trying to put together a puzzle without all the pieces, whereas you have all the pieces and thus see a complete picture.