You don't even know me! Fuck off with your cyberhugs!

You are really going to have to feminize your name. Stoidette, perhaps?

Wife insists that hers is inside her and if she pushes hard enough it will someday pop out. Her being a guy would explain a lot.

Psst! Monster! Remember I log the chats… :wink: You need proof, I can give ya proof.

Like me!

About her or about you?

Looks like we got Mr. C in the corner, doesn’t it?

Well, I’m new to all this message board stuff. I know it’s an artificial world where we have to compensate for not being able to see people’s faces, hear people’s voices, or really touch anyone, but I like giving people cyberhugs. I can understand how people don’t like it because they question the sincerity of the person hugging them, and I certainly don’t want an insincere hug or anything else from people, but for me I am being sincere. A cyberhug from me means that I do care, and if I were standing face-to-face with that person, I would hug them. Online or in real life, I don’t go around hugging just anyone for any old reason. If someone doesn’t want me to cyberhug them, then they only have to request politely that I not do so, and I will respect their wishes.

Was wondering how to seriously respond to this thread, and celestina did a pretty good job of it.

For me, a cyberhug isn’t insincere. I am a huggy person IRL. (Anyone who’s met me knows this.) If I hug you here or in chat, I’d hug you in real life. If this is something you don’t want, just tell me not to, and I’ll stop.
Simple as that.

Awww . . . seems likes someone needs some big hugs . . .


In real life, I hug everybody. From friends, to strangers, if a person needs a hug, by all means, my arms are yours. Hell, the mailman could be having a rough day, and I’d offer him a hug!Online however, I’m not as huggy. I never give cyberhugs, because I feel that they cheapen emotions. If someone wants to hug me, that’s fine. But you’ll never ever see me (((((( )))))-ing people.

I have never seen a cyberhug ever untill I went into this thread. I simply can’t imagine what kind of chat room it would have to be to have something like that.

I really only go to chat rooms to try to play videogames and when I am bored waiting for pages on the SD to load though:) Really, the only reason for chat rooms to exist are to find people who are playing the same game as you, and then to insult them and their pitiful pitiful playing style.

My first pit response! is proud

I can’t stand being hugged in chat rooms. Nor do I like being called “honey,” “dear,” or “chere.” I had never been called chere before spending time with some new online friends… and they’re all nice enough, but every time they call me chere the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I don’t know if this is in spite of or because of the fact that I live in the southern US.

And then someone has to go “Group hugs! hugs everyone” Geeez. So now I’ll seem like some anti-social bitch if I don’t hug back. I’ve had several friends ask if I just don’t like hugs and if they should stop, but I’d feel guilty if I responded “Yes, dammit!” After all, they mean well…

Green Bean, as far as I know, I am the only one who uses the //// \\ cyberhugs. They are the same slashes and back slashes I use in my cyber spider, and therefore, appropriate for my cyber hugs. But point taken, I won’t bother you with them.

I think much about cyberspace can be seen as artificial because it is unlike real life. But it is also quite new, and we who use it are defining a new reality. I am more easily friendly and open in just such a setting rather than in real life. It doesn’t mean I am less sincere; just reserved and shy until I get to know people. But once I read people’s posts and get a feeling for what they are like, or hear of someone’s problems or something that made them happy, I pass out the hugs. Perhaps I will be a little more discriminating in distributing them in the future.

[Completely Platonic Gesture of Sincere Affection Conveyed Through the Sterile Cyberspace Medium via Brackets Instead of Spending the Dough to Fly Way the Hell Over There to do it in Person so Please Understand I Don’t Mean to Perpetuate the Insincere Trendiness of the Online Community but Am Actually Making an Effort to Tender My Harmless but Genuine Affection For You] Subject [/Completely Platonic Gesture of Sincere Affection Conveyed Through the Sterile Cyberspace Medium via Brackets Instead of Spending the Dough to Fly Way the Hell Over There to do it in Person so Please Understand I Don’t Mean to Perpetuate the Insincere Trendiness of the Online Community but Am Actually Making an Effort to Tender My Harmless but Genuine Affection For You]
There. That should do it.

A freakin’ men to that. I shudder to think what would happen to me if, say, I logged in to Tribes II and started giving everyone cyber-hugs. I’d probably turn into a first rate frag-monkey…

Falcon said:
“Was wondering how to seriously respond to this thread, and celestina did a pretty good job of it.
For me, a cyberhug isn’t insincere. I am a huggy person IRL. (Anyone who’s met me knows this.) If I hug you here or in chat, I’d hug you in real life. If this is something you don’t want, just tell me not to, and I’ll stop. Simple as that.”

{{{{Falcon}}}} it’s so nice to meet a fellow hugger. :slight_smile:

So, is it not proper netiquette to jizz on people in chat rooms? :frowning:

Personally, I care about people.

I don’t have to meet them face to face to care about them. And sometimes, it is more expedient to express the fact that I CARE about them with “cyberhugs” because…hey, they don’t live close enough to actually physically hug them. Rest assured…if they were here, I would physically throw my arms around them.

I’m sorry if this is not acceptable to you, or to others. In physical proximity, or virtually. I will desist if told that I should. The last thing I want to do is to make anyone uncomfortable. I would feel bad if I did so.

But…genuine caring is rare…in real life, and virtually.

I CARE. Please don’t denigrate that caring by saying I am wrong to do it.


For Gods sake lighten up. A cyber hug usually just means that a person recognizes you, and is happy to see you.If you get all bent out of shape from a few stray puncuation marks, I’d say you have too much fuckin time on your hands and you need a serious hobby.I’d be more than happy to be acknowledged once in a while, But I’m one of those people who you may know but are usually stuck in the background.


  • as an added bonus… a big wet smooch on both cheeks (you know, like the ones your old aunt gives you. But then, she knows you, doesn’t she?)