You got the airstream, I got the lead

Seems as though Unca Cees has determined where and when our convention will be held!

I’m in. But where the hell am I gonna get lead shot? Being the good environmentalist that I am, I’ve only got steel and bismuth.

Livin’ on Tums, Vitamin E and Rogaine

You can get lead shot at any WalMart. I used to buy boxes for my sister. She’s a radiology tech and uses them to make the “spot that hurts” on a patient she’s X-raying.

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. That’s my name too.
Wait, no it isn’t.

I mean MARK the spot. First, do no harm!

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. That’s my name too.
Wait, no it isn’t.

It comes down to this.

Hell is Other People.

Just for fun, let’s schiz up the planning.

I gotta admit, AzRaek, your first post elicitied the “wtf?” response from me when I read it. I got a mental picture of a nurse, sick of seeing hypochondriacs, saying to herself, “Well, this one is gonna have some real pain for a change.”

beatle, you use some interesting vocabulary…