You know that dream where a portal to Hell opens up and swallows your workplace?

It almost came true today. We’ve had workers on the street where my store is laying a new gasline. After I left went home yesterday they manged to cause part of the street in front of us (actually slightly to the left) to collapse into a sinkhole that’s over 300ft deep! :eek: There’s a side of Pennsylvannia you don’t see on the Office. At least nobody was hurt and there wasn’t a coal fire underground. Such are are the joys of living in a city built over coal mines (or a city that had coal mined out from under it). I think it’s the latter.

Well, actually my workplace is the portal to Hell. :smiley:

I know about sinkholes though. Around here it’s due to a very high water table and every once in a while one will just open up. There’s a park that was supposed to be a lake but a sinkhole opened up and sucked down all the water. Nice park though. Really green grass and huge oak trees.

**You know that dream where a portal to Hell opens up and swallows your workplace? **


300 feet! That’s like… 90 meters. WTF!

You’re missing out. It’s a sweet dream.

You know that dream where a portal to Hell opens up and swallows your workplace?

Of if ONLY that would happen!