You know what I really fucking hate?

The taste of envelope glue!

God fucking dammit do I hate sending snailmail.

Thank God for self-adhesive stamps.


Dude, there’s peel and stick envelopes now too. Maybe that’s just in Canada, we are more advanced here after all :wink:

I hate envelope glue also blech. I usually use a little sqaure of damp ocello sponge to get the glue wet the glue then seal :slight_smile: .

This is what God invented dogs and drooling babies for.

Now available in America! Never lick an envelope again!

Mead Press-It Seal-It envelopes

I keep a box in my file cabinet.

Just wait until you need stamps in odd denominations (40 cent, etc). They aren’t self stick (or maybe the post office was just out of them). When I had to stamp and mail all 400+ company Christmas cards, I learned this the hard way.

Ok, maybe I am odd, but I actually enjoy that taste. Something about it… I dont know… makes me feel wonderous! Odd…

(I also enjoy the numbness of the tounge after words…)