You meet your counterpart from Earth-Prime. What happens?

At first, we would each think that the other is a snotty, stuck-up total bitch. There’d be some eyeballin’, some cautious exploration on each side, but then we’d each see that the other one isn’t stuck-up, just shy, and that she’s actually pretty cool. Pretty soon we’d be best buddies, always making ourselves laugh and having a good time. We’d be perfect housemates since, naturally, we’d both be considerate and sensitive to the needs of the other. So I guess we’d join forces for good.

That’s the pattern for most of my real-life relationships, anyway. Except for housemate part- in reality, I won’t share living quarters.

My last boyfriend was, essentially, my Earth-Prime counterpart. Fankly, it gets kind of boring after a while.

I’d start plotting for my counter-part to kill some key people from my past life - so I don’t have to do the deed or bear the guilt - while I create alibis by being in public places or with family at the time it happens.

Or probably not…I’m not that evil.

But it’s tempting. :slight_smile:
Remember every time someone told you to go fuck yourself? (pause) Well maybe not that either. :stuck_out_tongue:
Hey, I know! I could kill him and frame my ex-wife for it!

Oh wait, there’d be those whole ‘kill’ and ‘evil’ things again. :smack:
Err… I got nothing useful.

We’d drive each other nuts trying to make the other one do all the hard work so we could laze about the house.

Or my Earth-Prime alternate has already found her calling in life and wouldn’t mind giving me a job doing odd tasks, but I’d drive her (or her coworkers) nuts because I can’t focus worth a damn.

I’d probably punch him. That asshole has had it coming for a long time.

We’d probably sit down and have a coffee. Maybe we could work out a plan to switch off classes / work / jail sentences…

This. Although we’d go bowling together, which would be kind of cool. But otherwise, it would be a fight for dominance.

I’m pretty sure we’d sit down and play a lot of videogames and then perhaps head out to the local racquetball court. Competing against someone of my exact skill level would be interesting and perhaps help me improve a lot. Other than that, I’m a pretty boring, quiet person, so we’d tire of each other’s social company pretty quickly.

After that, we’d draw straws to see which one of us has to grow the goatee.

I think we would probably start collaborating on a graphic novel. Although, as my family would probably say, one of me is a statistical anomaly in the first place; two of me would be too scary to even contemplate.

I don’t get that one. Issues of evil aside, how is that any different, on a practical level, from killing a stranger and framing your ex-wife?

Are you me? Because that’s exactly what I’d do.

And then, I/we would start stage magician career. Can you spell teleportation?


Yes, but if you are believed to be dead, what do you do with yourself while she languishes in prison? Wander around the country doing good deeds & hunting for a cure for gamma poisoning or a one-armed man?

I think we’d have some initial conversations about the mind-blowing enormity of what happened, and then things would go downhill from there. I know I have some strange social quirks, and I think this would cause my clone and I to not really care for each other after a while. Hell, some of my own habits annoy me now!

…But not before some sexual experimentation. C’mon, you know you’ve thought of it! :smiley:

ETA: I’d definitely love to learn about how others view me based on how I view my doppelgänger.

I live my life as normal. My ex is on SSDI for mental illness. She obviously thought this person was me and killed him. Therefore she should be locked up forever and I should be notified the moment she gets released (if ever), because hell, she already “killed me” once already!

But no, like I said, it’s a flimsy idea and not something I’d ever consider.

What would be more fun is to harass my ex-wife by having us be in two places at the same time. He’s everywhere! Of course, I say that not having laid eyes on her in over five years now.

Well, there would definitely be some vigorous, hot, sweaty man-sex. Not because I think I’m so hot but because somehow the idea of me fucking myself is incredibly erotic. As for a relationship, we’d probably become good friends seeing as I get along well with almost everyone, including myself.

I believe the object is to “get” the ex-wife. She would be the prime suspect. One could always move to Mexico and work construction like Jack Bauer.

You & Chimera are officially not allowed to attempt any evil plans without clearing them with me first. You’ll only get yourselves in trouble.

Hah! You think I’d put my GOOD plans on the Internet? Hell, I don’t even write those down. Exposition is Suicide in the Evil Business.

Fool of a Took! As if I don’t have spies reporting on your every move and preventing you from getting youself killed, arrested, or made to squeal like a pig by backswoodsmen!

Not for any sentimental reason: it’s just that my current plan to destroy New Zealand requires that you and carniverous plant remain live and relatively unbuttfucked until December 3rd, 2009. Oddly enough, that plan also requires that everyone know your survival is vital to it.