You want $1.30 a gallon???

How about we just boycott the car manufacturers until they start making cars that run on tap water?

Hey, me too! I’m walking everywhere!

. . . but only on hardened, paved surfaces.

I’m boycotting beer until the breweries give it out free.

I hear this a lot. Walk me through just how this is bering done, if you don’t mind.

Why stop there? I’m boycotting Volvo until they install a Rolling Blowjob feature standard in all their cars.

Also, the seats should be made of boobs.

Oh, don’t be silly. If they had ponies, they could just ride them and not have to pay $1.30 for gas.

Side note: Anybody have any data on what the price of gas has to go up before it’s cheaper to keep a horse for a daily 10-mile roundtrip commute?

I will forward this suggestion to our designers and ask them to get right on it.
you have my full support. :smiley:

Isn’t it obvious? They’re making too much money! Any company that does too well MUST be cheating the people. Oh, and Bush is helping his oil buddies get fat at the expense of the little man, mustn’t forget that. Did I cover them all? :rolleyes:

You forgot to demand that Exxon stop bombing brown people.

Hm. There was some recent analysis conducted in California that compared the rise in gasoline prices to the rise in “spot market”(?) crud oil prices, and found that the increase in gas prices was disproportionate. I forget where I even saw this…, perhaps? But maybe someone else remembers the study.

There was an economist on NPR the other day who said basically this. He seemed pretty impatient with the whole boycott. At the end of the interview, the reporter asked him whether there were any actions consumers could take to lower the cost of gasoline.

His answer? “Drive less.”

The reporter waited a moment for an explanation, but none was forthcoming, so she laughed nervously, thanked him, and ended the interview. It was pretty funny. Sometimes the clever solution isn’t the right one: sometimes the obvious one is.


I doubt it is something they want to do, in much the same way retailers don’t enjoy paying merchant fees for card transactions. But if you were the only gas station that did not support pay at the pump transactions I bet the loss of customer base would far outweigh the people who still come but now don’t buy anything in the store.

Even with pay-at-the-punp I will occasionally go into the store to pick up something, rather than make yet another trip to the grocery store. However, I always pay at the pump, so I will just drive on by a gas station that does not have this feature.

Naw, ever since 9/11 Bush has been promoting a massive effort to develop alternative energy sources and encourage conservation so as to lessen our dependence on imported oil and improve national security.

Only he’s been doing it in total secrecy under the Patriot Act, so that no one knows about it yet. :rolleyes:

Aha - this explains why my nearest station’s receipts at the pumps are perpetually out of paper, and you have to go inside to get it.

Because, then, they would lose money. They have to buy the gas from their suppliers. I had a gas station owner show me what they make on gas, it isn’t all that much.

When I see a station without a pay at the pump option, I drive to another one. I think the pittance the stations get from gas is better than the nothing they get from customer like me who won’t even patronize a store without pay at the pump.

Tried that. The nipple raise welts like hell. :smiley:

I wonder what kind of trucks these commissioners drive? Somehow I’m thinking they got 10 mpg pickups, not Priuses.

Did the reporter not understand the concept of supply and demand, or did she think the audience didn’t? :rolleyes:

Not to mention that gasoline companies routinely sell thier products to each other. Boycotting one would likely result in their gas being sold at an independent station or even at a competitor’s.

I hope the people of Bee County don’t fall for this pathetic bullshit.


“In fact,” he added, “there’s not very much in my mind at all.”

You can’t boycott ExxonMobil. Gas stations round the world get their gas from companies you’ve probably never heard of. Country Mark, Valero Fules, Buckeye North, Marathon Ashland. You’re local gas station doesn’t get fuel from the big gas companies. (Unless ofcourse it is a big company gas station). Thats how most work. ExxonMobil, British Petroleum(BP), Marathon sell thier gas to their own stations and to resellers. Who then sell it to fuel transporters, who then sell it to stations, who then sell it customers. That alone puts a hell of alot of extra cost on your gasoline.

If you are going to try and boycott Exxon and Mobil, you might as well boycott gasoline.
What gets me mad is the guys that come in, bitch about fuel price and then buy cigarettes and lotto tickets. FUCKING RETARD! You can’t whine about paying an extra 40 cents on your 2.5 gallons of gas when you buy cigarettes and lotto tickets.