Your Boyfriend Shoots You In the Stomach, So What Do You Do? Agree to Marry Him!

Um, no …

[ul]Human Breast Anatomy

he secretory apparatus of the human breast consists of approximately 10 to 15 ducts extending from the nipple, and coursing through the mammary fat pad to terminate in clusters of alveoli. Each duct serves a specific lobule. Lobules are separated and supported by thick connective tissue septae and, in the breast of the non-pregnant, non-lactating woman, by large amounts of adipose tissue. Blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics run in the septae which merge imperceptibly with the fascia at the anterior thoracic wall.

The nipple, which serves as the termination point for the lactiferous ducts, is surrounded by an area of pigmented skin, called the areola, which contains sebaceous glands (Montgomery’s follicles) and sweat glands. The areola serves as the termination point for the fourth intercostal nerve which carries the sensory information about suckling to the spinal cord and brain. This is extremely important in the regulation of secretion of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary and prolactin from the anterior pituitary. The mammary ducts expand slightly to form sinuses beneath the areola. The entire areola is positioned in the infant’s mouth forming a teat that extends nearly to the soft palate. During sucking, milk removal is accomplished not so much by suction as by the stripping motion of the infant’s tongue against the hard palate and “milking” the contents of the sinuses out of the openings in the nipple.[/ul]

Again, um no. They are modified sweat glands in both males and females - with some stimulation of hormones they might (or may) work.

And guys have a vagina? :wink:

Everybody’s missing a big part of this story. He *will not * get 17 years. I’ll bet my house on it. The plea agreement not only knocks the felony from first to second, they’re dropping the fucking reckless endangerment cahrge!

Isn’t it refreshing that you can try to kill someone and be rewarded by getting a lighter sentence if you fuck it up?

Add to that this shitbag is a world champion boxer and the fuckstick has to use a gun on a woman.

I don’t know how prevalent prison rape is, but I hope this guy has to leave with a colostomy bag pinned to his fucking hip.

And I don’t hold her in much higher regard.


Man, I am nonviolent but I can’t help but hope something way worse than repeated prison rape happens to him. I’m trying to imagine what it might be. But nothing’s bad enough for this dude.

And horrible and cold as it sounds, yeah, I agree with your second point here. I mean, I understand the difficulty of getting out of an abusive relationship. I’ve seen it; I don’t think it’s easy or that women “get what they deserve” when they stay with a guy like this. But if this worthless sack of shit is going to jail, she’s got her opportunity to get out, and if she doesn’t use it after he tried to kill her, then it’s gonna be hard for me to muster up much sympathy.