Your current first-world problems

Doesn’t your Netflix allow you to give a movie thumbs up or thumbs down? I rate every movie I know I’ve watched that way to help me in the future.

Amazon Prime Video is great because if I chose a movie I’ve already seen there, it asks if I want to watch the movie again.

V8 sells this little mini cans, in packs of 6. I don’t love V8, but it’s good to get vegetables in my diet, and it sort of almost counts. The cans were small enough that I could throw one in my lunch box and down it in just a few sips. I’d get the low sodium version.

Well, first world problem, they aren’t on the shelves of the stores anymore. All I can find is the extra large plastic jug. Except that’s not the convenient size to throw in a lunch box.

Why has god forsaken me?

I usually do rate the movies I watch. I guess I didn’t realize that my rating would show. That helps tremendously! Thanks

I just noticed not too long ago that Amazon Prime asks if you want to watch it again. Love that.

A while ago, I was in the well-lit big supermarket down the highway and found two very expensive bottles of fancy shampoo marked down half-price. Wow! Snagged them both!

Over the course of time, used up the first one, and when it was empty, tossed it out of the nice hot shower onto the floor. I put the second bottle in the stall in anticipation of the next nice hot shower tomorrow (or possibly later that day). It being garbage day, when the big loud green trucks comes to my street to haul away my refuse, consisting mostly of beer bottles and those styrofoam trays that meat come on, away from me and to god knows where. Got it all out to the street just in time for said big green loud truck.

Today, after letting the water run a few minutes to get it just the right temp, I step into the stall and discover the top of the second bottle of very expensive and fancy and marked down half-price shampoo is broken!

And I couldn’t salvage the good one from the empty bottle from yesterday because I threw it away!!!

Really enough to ruin a nice hot shower, and probably the rest of my day watching TV on the couch.

Yeah, my gf does that. I prefer to turn on the water and immediately jump in, hyperventilating from the ice cold water for fifteen or twenty seconds. Not sure why, but to each his own.


Good idea!

You may be the first person I’ve ever known who eats caviar when experiencing the munchies.

(And, for what it’s worth, I’ve never been able to roll a joint, either)

As kayaker wisely said ^^ to each [their] own.

I spent the majority of daylight today working in the yard, raking, blowing, mowing, cutting plants down.
Nary a leave outside the planting beds.
I knew I’d end up doing another round in a week or so, but wanted the yard to look neat-ish for tomorrow.

Of course, the winds are absolutely whipping right now.

I just cut myself on broken glass while throwing away all the excess food in my fridge that went bad. After a quick and thorough rinsing from the functioning faucet, the only sterile bandage i have has Mickey mouses on it. Gross, Disney.

The canned soft-drink situation is getting more dire. Still can’t get my first choice, Diet Cranberry Ginger Ale, and now my caffeine-free diet backups are also getting hard to find. I haven’t seen Fresca, my second choice, in several weeks. Same with (non-cranberry) diet ginger ale, my 3rd choice.
I’m settling for A&W Diet Root Beer.

The end of British Summer Time - the clocks went back an hour last night.

We have two cars, and I don’t know how to reset the clock in either of them. They’re gonna be wrong 'til the 27th March next year.


Apparently you have cars that are betwixt and between in the continuum of fancy-schmancy automation. A fancier car would know to change the time by itself. An older more basic car like mine has two little recessed buttons that you press with a ballpoint pen; one changes hours, the other changes minutes. Easy peasy. My car does have several computers, but we have a peaceful understanding: I don’t bother them, they don’t bother me. I let them do whatever they want, and they let the car continue working.

Yeah! Now the old one… for all I know it may have pokey holes for hours and minutes, but I don’t know where they might be. But the newer one has all manner of unnecessary functions to keep you confused. How about a decent clock, though? We were aghast - aghast! - that it didn’t change the time for itself.

And if that isn’t a big enough first world problem, how about this: sometimes the SatNav map takes ages to figure out that we’ve set off. We were four miles away from home today before it realized we were no longer on the drive!


Probably just the time it takes to lock on to a sufficient number of satellites to perform accurate trilateration. Mine always takes a few minutes after it’s been sitting for a while.

I am thinking of buying a car with winter tires and the clock set to winter time and a second one with summer tires and the clock set to summer time. If this is not a fist world problem at least it is a first world solution.

A sweet piece of thinking - now I only need to figure out how one of the clocks works!


It doesn’t matter where they are at. They don’t work 95% of the time anyway. And if they do work, the buttons will work for exactly five presses and then quit working forever. Sometimes they will start working again, but then only for a few minutes just to get your hopes up. Then the only reliable way of setting the damn thing will be to disconnect and reconnect the battery at midnight. When you do that, you’ll still be an hour off because you forgot that it resets to 1:00 and not 12:00. At that point you’ll stop caring, if you didn’t already do so.

We don’t change our clocks here and I’ve been able to teach my car to not change the clock. I haven’t been able to teach my tablet to leave the damned clock alone and I always forget how to change the clock back to where it belongs so now I ignore the clock on my tablet because its probably wrong.

I left the power cord to my laptop at work. :sob: So I only have what’s left of my battery to last through the night.

I wasn’t even planning on going in tomorrow. I guess I can drop by and pick the cord up without actually working, but… what a pain.