Your Drunken Personality

I am real laid back and easy going. Although I cannot tolerate to drink anymore, especially to get drunk.

Love Always and Forever,
Heather Lee

I think, when I get drunk, I’m not fully cognizent of how I come off. Not that I black out, but just that my perception is altered, and that includes my perception of myself. So I can’t really say what my drunk persona is.
But I can speak for my stoned persona. I get very analytical, and hold forth on every subject you can imagine. I have been recorded in this state, and the playback didn’t embarrass me. I’ve learned to exercise control, and not let a tangent go so far that I forget what the original subject or my intended point was. Only problem is, my fellow tokers are often in Bozo-land, and when I try to get some feedback, I’m met with “What?..” or “Uh…yeah…what you said.”

Remember, I’m pulling for you; we’re all in this together.
—Red Green

Beer gets me sleepy, wine makes me philosophical and weepy, and margaritas with REAL tequila (not those fruity concoctions they try to sell for $6 that have not a lick of alcohol in them) get me horny.

Wine makes me sleepy. I’ve never been able to drink enough wine to get anything more than warm without going to sleep.

Every single type of hard liquor just makes me silly, slightly horny, and a bit more talkative than usual. That’s what I usually drink.

I’ve never been drunk from beer. Not only do I rarely find a beer that I can stand to drink, but, as my friend Chris put it, trying to get drunk from drinking beer is like trying to commit suicide by paper cut.

And I wonder when I sing along with you, if everything could ever feel this real
If anything could ever be this good again.

–Foo Fighters

Five words for you:

Belligerent son of a bitch