Your eccentric endowment

I would fund a mandatory-but-free class on how to be a decent parent. I would teach things about basic nutrition, anger management, and many other things that people need to know to raise kids that don’t annoy me. Anyone who is pregnant or has made someone else pregnant is required to attend the class, and they learn basic things, like how to hold a baby as well as more complicated things, like how to calm a child down without buying them something. They will also learn other useful things like learning how to take screaming children out of a movie theater or other public place so as not to aggrivate others.

I’d start the Sublight Electoral Silence Fund, which would make sizeable donations to any major candidate that refused to engage in the campaign tactic of riding around in the neighborhood in a van covered with loudspeakers turned up to 11, endlessly shouting their own name.

Am I the only person to open this thread, thinking it was something else entirely?

Along those lines, the Corporation for Broadcasting New Episodes of Firefly.

No you weren’t. It sounds like it’s about asymmetrical genetalia.

This reminds me of when my buddy got a check while in college from the “Eye of the Needle” foundation. AFAIK, he never found out who was behind it, or how they knew of him.

Hmmm…I’m torn between the Ghanima Fund for the Mandatory Continuation of Firefly or the Ghanima Fund for the Prevention of Other People Using Your Screen Name Forcing You To Come Up With An Alternate That Sucks.

I’d be up for faithfool’s Society for the Advancement and Preservation of Latter Day Costume Balls, because, you know, we just never have enough reason to dress up all goofy-like (and I mean that!) and attend a party. Personally, I’d be happy if every day was a larger continuation of Let’s Make A Deal. :slight_smile: