Please tell me if you have had any experience with Hair Club, either good or bad. I would like to hear from folks who have actually spoken to someone there about hair loss alternatives or someone who has purchased one of their programs. Please no opinions of the company if you’ve only seen the commercials on TV. I realize that this kind of thing can be a touchy subject and normally a private matter, so if you prefer not to respond to the thread, feel free to PM me.
It wasn’t HCFM, but a similar type of place. I got the info from a roommate who thought I might benefit from it. I was put off because they misspelled my first name and couldn’t get it right no matter how many times I asked them to correct it. (I went in for a couple of consultations.) I finally decided against the procedure for a number of reasons:
-I was poor and it was way too expensive (well over $1,000, over 20 years ago).
-I’d have to go in for maintenence every so often, and shell out even more money.
-Their pitch was hard-sell, which I hate.
-Every one of my friends told me it was a foolish idea.
But I must say that the guy trying to sell me on it had a great head of hair. You could never tell.
Hmmm, I was hoping for a couple more responses. Thanks for your input tdn.
I did make an appointment for a consultation about my hair loss about 5 years ago. It wasn’t the actual Hair Club For Men but a similar company, but in the end, they discouraged me from having a procedure done. I was told that my hair loss wasn’t really that bad, even though it was to me, and that I would be better off just waiting for a few years until I lost more hair. At that point, I’d probably lost over 30% of my hair, but instead of joining the club I decided to shave everything off. Before I shaved my head, they did try to sell me some special shampoo but that was it.
What exactly do these outfits do to address hair loss? Some kind of medicine or treatment or something, that they prefer to keep secret?
Fancy hair pieces. Very high quality. When maintained and replaced regularly, you’d be pressed to know it wasn’t hair growing out of the head.
Hi All,
I have a problem that I think only this group can help with, and it’s a good problem to have. While I join you in the bald, I don’t have a lid myself. My friend Neil does, however, and this is where I need to recruit your help.
Neil and I have a history of pranking each other. The other day he told me he doesn’t think he’s going to wear his hairpiece for a few months, since he’s between school and getting a job as a medical resident. So, while I was at his house I grabbed it from the storage spot and pocketed it, figuring I’d have some fun later. Here’s my plan……
I’m a consultant, and though I live in Chicago, I travel extensively for work. I’ll be in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Tampa, and Orlando in the next month, and am in Plattsburgh NY right now. I intend to bring his piece with me, take pictures wearing it in landmarks in each of those cities, and then, as the Christmas season kicks in, I’ll start sending him Christmas cards with the pictures of me and the critter around the country. I’ll have the piece back in place before I send the first card too, which will further the mind F.
I called the place that he got the piece yesterday, explained the situation, and indicated that I know it’s an expensive piece ($1,700, I think), so I wanted to make sure I was also caring for it appropriately. They told me they wouldn’t help me, since I wasn’t a current customer. I explained that he was, but they didn’t care. Which is why I’m appealing to you.
I need to know if there’s any special provisions I should be taking to care for it, and I, are…. …. uh …. together. For example, should I not be keeping it anywhere humid? Out of the cold/hot/ Or, should I be making sure that the inner sides of it don’t touch, or anything like that? I don’t have one, and I’m guessing that you’ve all been through a program for how to care for your friends. So I’m looking to glean insight on how to get this job done and make sure I don’t screw up his piece.
I pride myself on well-executed, responsible pranks. Here’s one of my previous ones, for those looking for some entertainment.
Please let me know your thoughts when you get a chance. Thanks in advance, my brothers in bald.
Kinda NSFW with strippers and pubic hair…
ETA: Quote snipped by me.
I hope he cleans it very carefully. From my understanding, headcrabs are very difficult to get rid of…