Your favorite albums from the Rutles' Universe?

The Rutles got all the press, but surely there are other legendary groups/albums that will last a lunchtime.
After all, no one will remember “Dodecaphenia”, the 6-LP set by The Whom.

Tamed Horses by the Stolen Roans.
Lolita by the Kings
Thomas by the Whom
London on the Line by the Crash
Dark Side of the Sun by Purple Floyd
Every Step You Walk by the Cops

I rather liked Smell the Glove and Intravenous de Milo by Spinal Tap.

You know, there were some good American bands releaseing albums at that time too.

Draftees by Washington’s Biplane comes to mind, and
Coal Fired Boystown by Johnny Hendricks was one of my uncle’s friend’s brother’s neighbor’s favorites.

Ah… I seem to have missed the concept rather badly the first time. How about…
“Quizzical Tahiti” by Pewter Blimp

“Close to the Hedge” by No

“Scubatank” by Jeffrey Dull

“Motel Carolina” by the Beagles

Live at Fillmore North by the Allman Sisters
American Reality by the Dreadful Great
To Our Children’s Children by the Bloody Mews
The Glendale Bus by the Old Riders of the Mauve Sage
Low Spark of High Heeled Guys by Cars on the Road
Music from Big Purple by the Musicians
20th Century Paranoid Man by King Burgundy
Big Guy by Gentle Big Guy
A Darker Shade of Black by Beyond These Things

“Folksome Prism Blues” by Johnny Money
“Like a Moving Rock” by Bud Dolan

Another one of my favorites was by that power trio A.A.Bottom , "Three Hombergs ". It had that great track “Jebus Just Left Toledo”.

Nevermind the Bricks by The Punk Floyd

Franklin comes Alive – Gob and Franklin Bluth

Wetsuit and Limping with a Flask by Jethro Toe.