Your favorite casual dining restaurant?

What are your favorite casual dining restaurant chains, or at least ones you’ll willingly go to?

“Casual dining restaurant” will be rigidly defined here as: a moderately priced sit-down restaurant with full table service and serves alcohol.

This means places like Big Boy, IHOP, Shoney’s, and other such “family restaurants” will be excluded. This also excludes more expensive places like Ruth’s Chris and Morton’s.

Poll coming.

Guess it’s not multiple choice. Oops

Several of those are here in Thailand. The most ubiquitous is Sizzler. They are everywhere. That would probably be the favorite for us on that list. Very good value.

Tony Roma’s is here too, and they’re pretty good, but there are a couple of local rib places, owned and operated by Americans, that do it a little better actually.

Applebee’s is the nearest to me, so I go there most often. But none appeal all that much and some (Cheesecake Factory, PF Chang’s) are just plain disgusting. If I were out of the area and needed to find a restaurant to go do, I’d avoid anything on this list.

Had a tough time deciding between Bennigan’s (which used to be my office’s hang out place) or Unos. Went with the former because Unos is waaaay too expensive for what they serve (although their 5 cheese deep dish pizza is a mouth orgasm).