Your favorite drink(s)

Scotch, neat. And a glass of ice water with a straw.

(I’m obviously talking about two different glasses, verdad?)

Sip on the Scotch, then lick some ice water off of the straw.

I also like Coca Cola™ on ice* with Crown Royal.
Gatorade, pink lemonade, really cold water, coffee for my non alcoholic drinks.

*gotta be fresh ice, the kind that sticks to your fingers. Letting it sit in the glass and start to sweat before pouring in the Coke just ruins the drink for me. Yes, I’m that picky.

I’ll chime in with my favorite shot. It’s called an 8 Seconds.

Equal parts:
Hot Damn schnapps

Tastes like a stick of Big Red gum. Yummy.