Your Favorite Fictional Cat(s)

Mrs. Murphy from the Rita Mae Brown series

Koko and YumYum from Lillian Jackson Braun’s The Cat Who… series

Sylvester PuddyTat

Old Deuteronomy and the rest of T.S. Elliott’s gang

Figaro from the Disney animatedPinnochio ( I once gave a cat this name)

Fat Freddy’s Cat

(The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers)

Any of the Kliban cats. But most especially the one sitting on the stool playing guitar and singing (paraphrased) “Love to eat them mousies, mousies what I love to eat. Bite they little heads off, nibble on they tiny feet.”

For some reason, I always hear it in the voice of Daddy Dewdrop, the guy who recorded “Chickaboom” back in the early 70s.

Never ceases to make me chuckle. :smiley:

The Amazing Maurice
Omaha, the Cat Dancer

The nameless demon cat from The Cat Came Back.

Behemoth, from The Master and Margarita.

Who could resist a wise-cracking, vodka-drinking, pistol-packing demonic cat?

Pink Panther
Unnamed cat pursued by Pepe LePew

But not, apparently, Hello Kitty.

Or, HK’s nemesis. This is just wrong. :slight_smile:

YES! These two! “You are ze corned beef to me, and I am ze cabbage to you”.

Kipling’s cat, who walked by himself and all things were alike to him.

Good one, but this is my favorite Kliban cat cartoon:

“Trout trout” gets me every time.

Did you know that Kipling did a drawing of him, too? We have this on a hot plate: Luxury fashion & independent designers | SSENSE

Penelope Pussycat is the name, but she had no name given in the first couple of cartoons.

The flatcats from Heinlein’s Rolling Stones.

Nimitz the treecat from Weber’s Honor Harrington books.

Tevildo, Prince of Cats from early drafts of Tolkien’s works.

Tybalt, from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. OK, not literally.

Morris was “played by” a real cat, but the “persona” (“cat-tona”?) was fictional, and one of my all-time favorite cats. Every time I talk to a cat, I hear Morris talking back to me!

Also, Cassandra Cat in Slylock Fox is pretty hot.

I get a kick out of that Persian cat in the *Fancy Feast *commercials. My own cat is too low-class to eat like that. He gets his food in a bowl, like reg’lar folks.

Didn’t Bernie Rhodenbarr have a cat in his bookstore…It seems he did and I liked him.

Far from a “favorite” of mine but there must be somebody out there who could sit still for Keyboard Cat 10 hours

I’d rather gamble on 10 HOURS Epic Funny Cats ! (BIGGEST Cats Fails Compilation in the World)
Got more like these that annoy you to the point of enjoyment? :smiley:

Isis, the cat in Star Trek’s Assignment: Earth! Or rather, the babe that had about 9 seconds of screen time when Roberta Lincoln looked at her.

Fonzie. He was one cool cat!

John Robie

Another good Tolkien feline reference:úthiel