Your favorite form of birth control?

My personal method is being gay. 100% success rate in preventing pregnancy. It doesn’t sound like that one will work for you though.

Yeah, lesbianism has worked for me perfectly but like you said, it’s not for everyone.

After my wife and I had three kids, I’m with ya there. Very nice not having to worry about condoms, or pregnancy, anymore.

I loved my diaphragm. When I used it, it worked perfectly. When I didn’t (on June 5, 1980) a Little Surprise occurred. Yeah he’s 27 now, not so little any more.

This is what I think I’m leaning toward. We had actually agreed to start trying to have kids after I turned 23, which was in June, and I think now we’re just both in a spot where we want to have kids… and we are pretty much ready for kids… but still, actually trying to have kids (on purpose!) seems like such a grown-up thing to do. (Not to mention totally counter to all of the efforts we’ve made in the past to avoid oopsie babies - in all our years together, married and dating, drunk and sober, we have never once had unprotected sex.) I’m also hoping that, like NajaNivea mentioned, being aware of my fertility cycle will help when/if we decide to actually make an attempt (as opposed to letting an accident-on-purpose happen).

Thanks to everyone for sharing their ideas - if nothing else, they were all at least entertaining :slight_smile:

Another FAMer here (with condoms for fertile days). Used it to be not-pregnant for 4 years and got pregnant (with our preferred gender) on our first try. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who really, truly oughtn’t get pregnant, but for someone for whom it wouldn’t be the end of the world (or who’s willing to get an abortion), it’s a great method with a very good effectiveness rating and nonexistent side effects.

Many male partners also like it because, besides getting to ride bareback, they get to share both the responsibility for and the knowledge of the birth control. Sometimes a couple will arrange it so that the alarm rings, the man fumbles for the thermometer and pops it in her mouth, then wanders off for his morning pee. By the time he gets back to bed, the thermometer is ready to come out. She can then get up and note her temp, or wait until later (the digital thermometer stores the last temp read). If he reads their charts, he can tell if she’s fertile as well as she can. No wondering if she remembered to take the pill, no hoping she got the diaphragm in right - they *both *know what the deal is.

And did I mention the no condoms for 3 weeks a month?

Vasectomy. Cheap, simple, worry free. (Cheap amortized over 20 years, that is.) Before that IUDs worked well for my wife, and then pills.

We did FAM +condoms for fertile days for almost a year before we (intentionally) got pregnant. It worked great for us, and we also got pregnant with one try.

If you don’t sleep well, or have a really wacky sleep schedule, it may not be the best choice for you, though. This is why I now have an IUD – baby who doesn’t sleep through the night + FAM = sibling! And we’re not ready for that, not for a few more years…

I just watch the first half of those Nanny shows.

I never want to have children.

A female friend who was pretty tall told me she & her hubby used the Bucket and Saucer method.

Seems he was shorter than average so they “did it” standing up, with him standing on a bucket so everything…um…lined up correctly.

She said while they were going at it, she’d watch his eyes very carefully. Verrrry carefully. And, when they got as big as saucers, she’d kick the bucket out from under him!

:eek: :smiley:


Yeah. It was a joke, which parallels my actual sex life. IO am a hetero male married to a hetero female, and we don’t fuck. Yes it sucks, but internet porn has made my life livable, even if the wifey isn’t in favor if

But we adapt.

Duct tape.

Unfortunately, I can’t be helpjul.

Pregnancy has been our favorite form.

What is important to you?

Ease of use?
Not having to interrupt sex to go and sort out your contraceptive equipment?

If reliablity isn’t a big issue, but cost is, the rhythm method would be best, if reliability is important a diaphragm would be better.

There are so many methods out there, no one method is going to suit everyone.

You know you want a hassle free non-hormonal method that isn’t condoms, now you need to work out what else you want, because in this area something always has to give. No method is perfect, you have to find the least sucky one for you.

Have you looked into the ring? I used it for a few years and found it incredibly easy and effective.

ETA: Oops, sorry, you’re looking for non-hormonal. This would not qualify.

The first few times I had sex I hated using a condom, but now I’ve grown to like them - I last twice as long.

So I guess my answer is condom.

For others - celibacy.

For me - fellatio.

Stuck where? :eek:

Prior to my first pregnancy, we used the Sponge. It was with the Sponge that we conceived our first child (now 21).

After our first, before we were ready to try for a second, we used spermicidal foam. It worked very well. After the second, before we were ready to try for a third, we used spermicidal foam or film.

As long as we used it consistently, it worked well for us. Especially given that, when I was ready to conceive (with both #2 and #3), I did so quickly and easily.

Yeah, you generally have to wait 15 minutes between application and male ‘satisfaction’. However, if you (the male, I mean) are ‘quick on the draw’, you can use that 15 minutes for foreplay. If you are not ‘quick on the draw’ (and my hubby never has been), you can start any time after application.