Your favorite movies no one else seems to know about.

I’ll repeat my plugs for Swashbuckler, a great quasi-Marxist 70s pirate movie, and for Harry and Walter Go to New York, a vaudeville bank robbery caper, also with a quasi-Marxist twist.

Proof - not the Gwyneth Paltrow / Anthony Hopkins movie from 1995, but an Australian movie from 1991 starring Hugo Weaving, Genevieve Picot and Russell Crowe. The movie is about a blind man who doesn’t trust anyone. He carries a camera and takes pictures, then asks people to tell him what’s in the pictures. He uses the photos to check whether people are telling him the truth. The script, acting and direction are all first-rate, in my opinion.

Phantom of the Paradise is one of my faves.

Beef: “I know drug real from real real.”

Some people consider this movie part of the trilogy which also contains Rocky Horror and Shock Treatment. I don’t think those people know drug real from real real. :wink:

Are you saying it was popular or are you saying it is a bad movie?
Clerks only grossed 3 mil in USA so it sure wasn’t popular except with
hardcore indieholics. If you think it is bad remember the op asked for favorite which may not be the same as “good” allowing me to mention " How I got into

I know Sorcerer! I saw it. It’s great. Great story, great imagery, and a great score by Tangerine Dream.

I saw it and enjoyed it. It wasn’t great, but not bad. It has been many years though.

I’m gonna nominate The Killer Elite A fun action flick that no one I know has seen.

Oh man, the Tenant is one great, weird movie. I think that one cemented Polanski as quite possibly my favorite director.

Another great Wilder movie that’s overlooked is “A Foreign Affair.” It’s so overlooked it’s not even available on DVD, and the VHS copy is out of print. It played on TCM at 2am a week or two ago. I had my VCR all set, but just as the movie was ending…click – WHIRRRRR!!! Ran out of tape. Had the speed setting on wrong. :frowning:

Manhunter it was William Petersons starring role and the original serial killer psychological movie.1986

Oooh good one. Brian Cox with his wonderfully understated version of Hannibal Lecktor(Lecter).

Mrs. Fresh sat me through this, and I loved it. The scene where Avram teaches the Indians to dance is hilarious. Harrison Ford was good too.

Hi pantom, I thought all of us in Jersey have seen Clerks. It is one of my favorites. Clerks II is coming out in July. Kevin Smith is my favorite director.
I recommend finding and renting “An evening with Kevin Smith” Nearly 4 hours and hilariously funny. It is highlights of 5 college Q&A session for around 2003.

Caprese: I came in to say **Local Hero ** and Secret of Roan Inish.
I try to tell people that Local Hero was Northern Exposure before Northern Exposure was thought of. :wink:
Secret of Roan Inish is just this wonderful, whimsical, magical little Irish film that any age can enjoy. I know very few people that know the movie.

I have seen it and I cannot back you up on it being funny, I actually thought it was amazingly boring and I like Al Franken.


The Castle – At least, no one knows it in the US.

Terrorism and the Kebab (al-Irhab wal kabab) – I liked it the first time I saw it years ago (with a friend from Egypt), but when I’ve tried to watch it since, I’ve never been able to find it. So I guess it’s not really a “favorite”, just a movie I wanted to watch again and was never able to. If anyone else has even heard of it, you will make my weekend.

I work like 2 miles from the Quick Stop in Leonardo and, incidentally, my friends son stole a “Leo Rising” sign from the set of the new movie. I think Leo Rising was the codename of the project… to keep people away. I confiscated the sign from the young lad… it’s in my office now. :slight_smile:

I’m a big fan of Waking Life

I definitely should give that a look.

FWIW, here’s a list of films I plan to write up on the web page one of these days:

A Simple Plan
Little Voice
Brassed Off
Great Train Robbery
The Body Snatchers
(Boris Karloff version – Karloff deserved an Oscar nod)
The Englishman who Went up a Hill But Climbed down a Mountain
Gregory’s Girl
Comfort and Joy
(these two were done by the director of Local Hero are are both quite good.
Return to Oz
The Stunt Man
The Long Good Friday
Comfort and Joy
The Court Jester
Nuns on the Run
Jean de Florette/Manon of the Spring
Support Your Local Sheriff
Truly Madly Deeply
Baptists at the Barbeque
Hearts and Souls
Noises Off
Hear My Song
The Ref
It Could Happen to You
Me and You and Everyone We Know
Ella Enchanted
Brute Force
Opposite of Sex
(The Stephen Frears movie with Dustin Hoffman, not the martial arts one, which is good, but not forgotten)
The Sandlot
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Don Juan Demarco

Shout at the Devil, starring Lee Marvin and Roger Moore. I saw it at the theater because the movie I wanted to see was sold out. That was around '76. To this day I have never talked about movies to anyone else who has seen it.

Agreed. I happened to TIVO it somehow, started watching it and was hooked.

Clerks is great, but is pretty well-known.

The Man Who Wasn’t There is probably the Coen brothers least known movie. I thought it was terrific, especially for Tony Shalhoub’s performance.

Tampopo is a favorite, probably because I love food and movies.

Does The Blood of Heroes count? I heard about it from my brother, who watched it with his Army buddies, but haven’t heard anybody else talk about it.

Clerks definitely doesn’t count for this thread. It’s a cult classic, and almost everyone knows about it.

Continuing the Billy Wilder theme, One, Two, Three … is one of the funniest movies ever made. Snappy witty dialog, Billy Wilder’s best pacing, one of James Cagney’s last appearances on film. When I saw it on braodcast TV, it was pretty funny. When I finally saw it all the way through in a theater, it was



Best use of a cuckoo clock, a copy of the Wall Street Journal, some string, and a balloon that says “Roosky Go Home!”. A chase scene that’s second only to The Wrong Trousers. And you’ll never hear “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” quite the same way again. :slight_smile:

Man, I just watched that last week! It is indeed a great one. I wish I could have seen it in a theater.

It’s funny how Wilder in general is overlooked by many people. Even among people who are more into movies than the general public (the general public, I am learning as I work at a video store, knows next to NOTHING about movies made before they were born) tend not to be too familiar with Wilder’s stuff. They may have seen “Sunset Boulevard” and maybe “Double Indemnity,” but that’s about it.

Aw, man, that’s one of my faves. And I’m not alone, it gets mentioned by two others in this thread.

And I mention it here.

[sub]And here.[/sub]