Your favorite semi-obscure English word, or, boardless Scrabble


My favorite is actually one of Cecil’s.

Gleet: Hawk stomach phlegm

One word that certainly doesn’t get a lot of use is "desuetude"…

Maybe by you. :slight_smile: I suspect that most if not all of the lawyers on the board know this word, and may use it regularly depending on practice area.

I rarely see anyone use persnickety. I love the word but always feel bad about using it. I think it’s common down south.

I started a thread a while back, and got some great answers.

Since then, I’ve added more to my collection. A sample:
Prognathous: being or having the lower jaw projecting beyond the upper part of the face
Mawkish: having an insipid often unpleasant taste / sickly or puerilely sentimental
Fascinum: the divine phallus / bewitchment

I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread in an avuncular fashion.

penultimate (adj) The next to last item in a series.

And for bonus points …

antepenultimate (adj) The second to last item in the series.

I’m a big fan of the Q words that don’t have Us. Some of my favorites:

Qi (this one comes in handy a lot)

I only know what two of these words mean.

Petrichor - n. the scent of rain on dry earth.

As does quim, but you might not want to use it when you play against your mom.

I like:

gleek (scroll down)
cwm (eta: oh, this one doesn’t count since it’s Welsh. But it’s still a cool word :slight_smile: )

Tonight, I accused someone of having an eruction at the dinner table.

Alas, my overly-erudite friends knew what I meant. The bastards.

One of my favorite words is palimpsest. A few years ago, I came up with an entire poem just because I liked the word.

I cannot believe you purloined my word! If I still lived in Schenectady I would definitely ask for your number.

What, I’m ashamed to ask, is a “loan word”?

This reminds me of that episode of HIMYM where they are talking exclusively in big words in order to disguise the content of their conversation in front of Robin’s new foreigner boyfriend.

I can’t pick just one word, so I’ll leave you with the smart ass thing I wrote in high school to annoy my English teacher:



I have suffered.
Ah, relatives, your best friends — until you are imprisoned in a moving vehicle reminiscent of an oubliette with them surrounding you on all sides, a cigarette in each of their hands with many more to come.
Peradventure I will clarify…


Those acerebral simpletons — those xanthodontous chimeras, bathybian terato-sises, utinous xenopuses, coxcombs, slubberdegullions, popinjays and their ilk.
A kakistocratic triumvirate of death — how more facinorous, pedicular, and yemless could such varlets be with their indifferentistic, recidivistic, solipsistic acts — will they ever have resipiscence?
Their impalement on this factitious halidom as it has come to be to them, nepheligenous though it is, this cigarette produces the veneficial, antimonyous, nocent, noisome, nocuous, recrement — withershins, with quaquaversal superexcresense,
Is it sempiternal, interminable?
Stupefying me, it’s suffumigation is anathema to me — it is like a formicating, fulsome intumescent nefandous mucilage.
This plethora of ithyphallic decoction is a grave dissight — ineffable, ineluctable, and inexplicable.

And my ingravescent condition?
It begins with slight aprosexia, and some kinetosis from ataxy, swiftly followed by etiolation and lippitudeness.
Finally, oligophrenia sets in, and my homunculus-like body vellicates.
I wish for nullibiety.

More amiable, and an infinitely preferable situation would I be in, were I subject:
To decollation, jugulation, defenestration, lapidation, bastinado, strappado, suggilation, and vapulation.
To hamadryads dithyrambically devouring my newly formed gumma during my demise in a noyade.
To an auto-da-fe with the background beating of zzxjoanws.
To digital keratin deposits grating succedaneously,* in loco* cylindrical calcium carbonate writing implements.
Or to even — horribile dictu! — parturition.
All these atrocities and a profusion of others; would I rather suffer, and would be anabioseses, would — seem even paradise;
After the palinoic emission of miasma from my fragitious consanguineans!


And, after returning home, redivivus, I discover the antipode of my original horror — my own parent, in the frigid winter, obsessed by fresh air! Will I ever reach even purgatory?[/SPOILER]

This book, while not my exclusive source of words, was helpful and quite a fun read.

In retrospect, there was a period of a few years where my favorite word was “dithyrambic” which means “enthusiastic” and it’s inclusion has long been my benchmark for the usefulness when buying a thesaurus.

One of my favorites is “subrept”, which basically means to steal. I was reminded of it by one of its compounds that was used in the OP.

Someone mentioned “boustrophedon”. This literally means, as an ox plows. This reminded me of a word I invented: “zombonitrophedon”. To illustrate, i offer:

This is an example
in detnirp txet fo
the style which was
ylrae eht ni desu ylnommoc
days of writing but not much now
.nodehportsuob sa nwonk

And here is an example of
rarely used way of writing
the earliest days of writing,
eorm na ni detnirp txet
ni neve ,desu reven dna
.nodehportinobmaz sa nwonk

Superfecundation: The act of getting pregnant with twins (or multiples) by more than one guy. There’s a word that’s just waiting to be scooped up and used in an insult.

Pahoehoe. It looks like it should be an insult, but really it’s just a kind of lava.

Suigeneris- one of a kind

Amanuensis- secretary

Antediluvian- ancient (literally, “before the Flood”)

Sartorial- having to do with cloth, clothing

Floccinaucinihilipilification- the act of considering something to be worthless. You can work it into conversation, if you try hard enough.

A word that was directly lifted from another language, like “schadenfreude”, or “aficionado”.