Your girlfriend thinks I'm hot.

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I’ve really got to start looking at links before I click on them.

Yuck! Makes you wonder how much cervical cancer he has eaten!

Haha…someone needs to ask him that.

Prefereably worn by really fat to moderately obese people, especially men…

“I Beat Anorexia”

Heres a pic of a guy wearing it

Shameless plug:

the greatest oodball/cool t-shirts in existence. Nice quality, all silkscreened, too.


I just got my Para Poppins shirt this week. And I got a good friend the Obi Wan Kerrist for Christmas.

Oh, and I really love my Loch Ness Imposter, too.

Love to wear these somewhat offbeat things in my gym, to offset (and confuse) the expensive-designer-workout-ensemble types as well as the macho sports/beer t-shirt wearers.

Apparently, Fox 5 News at Ten ran a story on this tonight. I don’t watch Fox 5 News at Ten anymore, but I saw the teaser while watching The OC and Reunion: they showed an Abercrombie storefront, and a well-endowed young woman sporting a “who needs brains when I have these” t-shirt. Heh. :slight_smile:

The Onion did have shirts that said, “Your favorite band sucks.”

Some of these shirts mentioned are funny - like the Onion ones. But while normally I am not easily offended at all, the ones that joke about rape and stuff are not funny to me. That’s one sensitive issue I just don’t joke about - probably because I’m taking Human Sexuality and I’ve had to watch videos of rape victims and rapists etc. and they are super depressing.

Threadless has some cool shirts.

I wish I had the guts to wear shirts like that in public. The only ones that go too far for me are the ones about rape (pretty much the only thing I’ve decided to never joke about, ever).

I wonder if many people have gotten their asses kicked for wearing the really bad ones. Most or all of the people in my circle would figure that they couldn’t possibly be serious, but you never know…

I know the shirts aren’t serious, but some are just tasteless. Even for someone like me who has a dirty mind and mouth - it’s my friends’ fault. :smiley: