My SO and I rented Random Hearts the other night. I figured: “Harrison Ford, how bad can it be”. Really, really, real bad, that how bad! This movie sucked. Two hours of “nothing happens”. What was the point? Kept waiting for something to happen. I hope they didn’t pay him millions for this one! Same goes for Six Days and Seven Nights I’m afraid.
We discussed afterwards about how could TPTB think that anyone would sit through the whole thing, yet alone think it was good (at $10 bucks a pop no less).
My opinion is due to the human race having many differing likes, dislikes, opinions, etc. (Which can further explain why some like Country music and some actually like Opera.) Same goes for books, TV shows, and sporting events. Well, you get my drift.
Which brings me to my question. As a varied group I would like to find out what your reviews of the following movies are. What I want is your true HONEST opinion – if you liked it then say as much (even if you’re probably the ONLY ONE on this planet who did). Some of these I haven’t seen myself but I wanted to provide a bit of a variety. Not to mention, they’ll be available as rentals (up here in the great white north) very soon.
Please review the following (the ones you’ve seen that is):
American Beauty - Kevin Spacey and Mena Suvari
Bicentennial Man – Robin Williams
Whatever It Takes - Jodi Lyn O’Keefe and Marla Sokoloff
Galaxy Quest – Tim Allen et. Al.
Magnolia – Tom Cruise
Random Hearts – Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott-Thomas
Scream 3 – Neve Campbell
Six Days and Seven Nights – Harrison Ford and Anne Heche
The Green Mile – Tom Hanks
The Sixth Sense – Bruce Willis
I’ll go first. But I have to admit I haven’t seen too many (odd, considering it’s my own list but I chose movies that fellow co-workers / friends have seen). I rarely go to the theatre and tend to wait for rentals.
American Beauty - Kevin Spacey and Mena Suvari
–> Haven’t seen it. Waiting for the video. Although the TV ads don’t turn my crank.
Bicentennial Man – Robin Williams
–> Ditto. Big Robin Williams fan so I will rent this one.
Whatever It Takes - Jodi Lyn O’Keefe and Marla Sokoloff
–> Haven’t seen it (and not planning to). Wrong age group for me.
Galaxy Quest – Tim Allen et. Al.
–> Procrastinated too long. No longer in theatres. Will have to wait for the video.
Magnolia – Tom Cruise
–> Pass. Tom Cruise annoys me.
Random Hearts – Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott-Thomas
–> See above. To recap – YAWN.
Scream 3 – Neve Campbell
–> I prefer watching these hack and slash movies at home. Waiting for the video.
Six Days and Seven Nights – Harrison Ford and Anne Heche
–> These two made a lousy pairing. If there was sparks then I missed them.
The Green Mile – Tom Hanks
–> Read the book (which was excellent). But I just don’t see Tom Hanks as the prison warden. My parents rushed out the first day and both said it was excellent. Just like the book. Is that a good thing?
The Sixth Sense – Bruce Willis
–> Haven’t seen it. Although I’ve heard so much I don’t really need to. Will definitely rent it once the corner store has copies not on reserve. (I live in the boonies and rent my movies from the corner store 8 km from home.
GALAXY QUEST – funniest movie in many a year, especially if you know something about STAR TREK (though you don’t have to be a fan of the show to enjoy it). It’s been a long time since I laughed so loudly. It’s both a parody of ST and a loving tribute and pulls it off brilliantly. I usually detest Tim Allen, but here was was excellent, and Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman were a hoot. “By Grabthar’s hammer, go see it!”
AMERICAN BEAUTY is a fine film about the importance of doing something with your life. It’s funny, dramatic and filled with surprises. Definitely worth seeing.
“What we have here is failure to communicate.” – Strother Martin, anticipating the Internet.
American Beauty - Kevin Spacey and Mena Suvari
Didn’t see it (yet). Could be a renter. No preconceived opinion.
Bicentennial Man – Robin Williams
Didn’t see it. Heard it sucked. Robin Williams hasn’t done anything original in a lon time.
Whatever It Takes - Jodi Lyn O’Keefe and Marla Sokoloff
Didn’t see it. No preconceived opinion.
Galaxy Quest – Tim Allen et. Al.
Saw it. Much funnier than I thought it would be. Smashed my preconceived opinion. Hilarious barbs at scifi TV shows/movies/fans
Magnolia – Tom Cruise
Didn’t see it. No preconceived opinion.
Random Hearts – Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott-Thomas
Didn’t see it. No preconceived opinion.
Scream 3 – Neve Campbell
Didn’t see it. No preconceived opinion. Neve Campbell is a babe.
Six Days and Seven Nights – Harrison Ford and Anne Heche
Didn’t see it. No preconceived opinion.
The Green Mile – Tom Hanks
Didn’t see it. The previews tuned me so thoroughly off that I upset my wife who thought it sounded marvellous. Tom Hanks is overrated, and I’m tired of overblown Hollywood feel-good movies.
The Sixth Sense – Bruce Willis
Didn’t see it. No preconceived opinion. Heard it was good, though. Probable renter.
Damn. I don’t get out much, either.
A committee is a lifeform with six or more legs and no brain.
I’ll put in my 2 cents here. Heck, I only saw three of the movies.
American Beauty: I wasn’t overwhelmed with this one. I reall got the impression that the writers set out to make an IMPORTANT film rather than a good film.
Galaxy Quest: An enjoyable piece of fluff. Recomended
The Sixth Sense: I liked this one a lot. Nice mood, good story and I was surprised by the ending. Very well done.
Magnolia–> It seemed like it was building up to something, but then poof… it was over. I left thinking, “and…?” Entertaining enough though.
Six Days Seven Nights–> Lame. Boring. Anne Heche is annoying. Blech.
Green Mile–> I really liked it. I’m not sure what else to say. I just really liked the characters.
The Sixth Sense–> It wasn’t what I expected, but I quite liked it. I like movies that linger in my head a few days after I’ve seen them.
Helpful in any way, shape or form?
That was a well-plotted piece of non-claptrap that never made me want to retch.
Galaxy quest: great Star Trek parody/take off. theatre: matinee/discount showing
6days 7nites; I love stranded on a desert island stuff. That part was pretty good, Ford was good, “romance” sucked. Costars: serious babe & that wimp from friends being the same wimp… On cable, yes, rent maybe, theatre, no
Of all the movies mentioned, I’ve only seen “American Beauty.” I thought it was awesome. It was a dark comedy, so it’s not for everyone, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
There are a lot of movies that made a gazillion dollars that left me scratching my head, wondering why people loved it so. “Armageddon” and “My Best Friend’s Wedding” come to mind.
Then there are some that are roundly panned by critics that I think were wonderful movies. “Xanadu” for instance. And I love “Fried Green Tomatoes.”
Okay, I’m kidding about “Xanadu.” I guess what I’m saying is to each his own.
Magnolia. Could a movie be any more boring? The characters were established in the first 45 minutes. The next 2 1/4 hours were utterly predictable step after utterly predictable step to its uninspired and inevitable ending. Oh! The little boy pisses his pants? Gee, I never would have seen that coming after his repeated pleas to relieve himself! The estranged son visits his dying father at the last minute? Who would have expected that to happen? The trophy-wife admits that she married Jason Robards only for his money and never loved him, until he lay dying? Saw that coming the first time she appeared on the screen. The three hours of unadulterated torture was relieved by a little interlude of zillions of two-pound frogs raining from the heavens. The acting was actually pretty good. But I enjoyed this movie only slightly more than I think I’d enjoy being slowly eviscerated with an exceptionally dull spoon. I’ve never walked out on a movie, but it took every milligram of my self-control to stay in the auditorium. “Magnolia”? They should have named it “Corpse Flower” after the plant that takes seven years to bloom, and when it does smells like rotting flesh.
“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry
Six Days and Seven Nights – Harrison Ford and Anne Heche: Awful. Felt like they asked Harrison to lend his weight to a vehicle for Heche who has barely enough talent, spark, and appeal to fill a thimble. He was so self deprecating in his delivery, the whole thing was if they were trying to ram Heche down your throat, because hey, she’s working with a star here. Blech.
The Sixth Sense – Bruce Willis: Very well done. Interesting premise. Lowest body count in a Willis movie in a long time. Very good performances from both Bruce and the kid.
Didn’t see the others, I have a kid and don’t get out much.
Thanks Gang,
All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people.
Saw Galaxy Quest, I thought it was EXCELLENT!!! I’m looking forward to Magnolia, American Beauty, and Sixth Sense on video, also The Talented Mr. Ripley. (The Sixth Sense is supposedly out on video now, but there’s only bare shelves in the “S” section at the video store. I’m trying to sneak up on it mid-week at 10 a.m., but this video is still proving to be skittish and elusive, I may have to bribe the stoner dude at the store to capture it for me.)
So sorry about the Random Hearts fiasco. I, too, will be wishing for those hours back on my deathbed.
Magnolia – This was one of the most emotionally intense movies I’ve ever seen, so avoid it if that’s not your thing. Incredible performances by the entire cast make it a spectacular film. But as someone already mentioned… it has a quirky ending that will turn many people off (not me however). It did manage to put me in a melancholy state for days.
Seven Days and Seven Nights – Um… not as bad as Random Hearts.
Saw both Galaxy Quest and Sixth Sense, and loved them both. Very different movies, though…Sixth Sense is dark and moody with a fantastic twist at the end (I won’t spoil it for you), and Galaxy Quest is light comedy (not laugh-a-minute stuff) with a sci-fi core. If you’re into those sorts of films, they won;t disappoint you.
“Sherlock Holmes once said that once you have eliminated the
impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be
the answer. I, however, do not like to eliminate the impossible.
The impossible often has a kind of integrity to it that the merely improbable lacks.”
– Douglas Adams’s Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective
American Beauty - Kevin Spacey and Mena Suvari
–I loved this film. For a male perspective, I can tell you that Mr. Jeannie thought it was excellent as well
Bicentennial Man – Robin Williams
–Haven’t seen it
Whatever It Takes - Jodi Lyn O’Keefe and Marla Sokoloff
–Don’t want to see it
Galaxy Quest – Tim Allen et. Al.
–Both the hubby and I loved it. You will be rolling on the floor laughing.
Magnolia – Tom Cruise
–Haven’t seen it.
Random Hearts – Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott-Thomas
–Haven’t seen it.
Scream 3 – Neve Campbell
–Hubby said it was “okay.” I thought it sucked the big one.
Six Days and Seven Nights – Harrison Ford and Anne Heche
–Haven’t seen it.
The Green Mile – Tom Hanks
–We both liked it a lot.
The Sixth Sense – Bruce Willis
–One of our all-time favorite movies. If I had time, I think I’d watch it every week for the rest of my life. Love it, love it, love it.
I never hate myself in the morning. I sleep till noon.
–Sig line courtesy of Wally
First, everyone go re-read Johnny LA’s post, it’s important, it may save your life! (or at least three hours of it)
American Beauty --Great!
Bicentennial Man –-Didn’t see, hate Robin Williams
Whatever It Takes --Didn’t see
Galaxy Quest –-Didn’t see, I avoid Tim Allen like the plague.
Random Hearts –-Didn’t see
Scream 3 –-Didn’t see, 'cause Scream 2 was one of the five worst movies I’ve ever seen in the theater.
Six Days and Seven Nights –-Didn’t see
The Green Mile –-Enjoyable…overrated.
The Sixth Sense –-Really good, especially if you haven’t heard anything about it.
And a special note about Magnolia: Johnny LA had it perfect, great, great post! I’ve been thinking about starting up a support group for survivors of this movie. Last 1.5 hours was torture. Acting was great, but it script had no direction. Went nowhere for three hours, and then when it gets to nowhere, tries to rescue itself with psuedo-biblical tragedy. I have a high tolerance for movies, once I’ve paid and entered I’m usually in for the long haul. I’ve never walked out of a movie before, but I enviously noticed several people who did, and cursed there wise choice for the next hour of Magnolia’s drivel.
Also, MAGNOLIA movie was a huge RIPOFF of Robert Altman’s (overrated, overblown and unenjoyable) “Short Cuts”. Same tone, same narrative style, same mood, same basic premise, etc. This was basically a re-make of SHORT CUTS, it was so similar.
I loved ‘The Sixth Sense’, the young boy who played ‘Cole’ was super.
I really disliked ‘Random Hearts’, the only movie so far that I’ve liked with Ms. Thomas has been ‘Four Weddings/Funeral’, and she didn’t have to say much in it, which may be why I enjoyed it more.
I loved ‘The Green Mile’ book, but haven’t seen the movie yet.