Your ideal Law & Order cast

As my colleagues/roommates:

Abbie Carmichael
Jamie Ross
Claire Kincaid
Dr. Elizabeth Olivet

I’m not saying we’d get a lot of law-enforcing done, but I don’t think I’d care. :smiley:

Olivet. I don’t like Skota at ALL.

Olive. Oh, yeah, I’m there.


Logan, Briscoe, Van Buren.

Schiff, McCoy, Carmichael.


I’m just waiting for Skoda to break into “Fugue for Tinhorns” from Guys and Dolls. Lenny can respond with “Be My Guest” and we fade to the first commerical.


Kirsten Dunst

Eliza Dushku

Katie Holmes
D.A.'s office:

Angelina Jolie

Cameron Diaz

Drew Barrymore
'Cos the lawyers have to be, you know, a little more mature . . .

I miss the old Capt. Cragen. Every once in a while he’d look at Mike and Max as if to say, “why are you still sitting in my office? aren’t you supposed to be investigating a case?” On SVU, he’s a little too dire. He’s gotta get away from pervs messing with kids and go bust some bag men or something. Breath of fresh air time for Donny.

So, if we could get him back into a regular unit, he could call his old buddy Mike back from exile, and make him point man on a pairing with new-guy-to-us Joe Fontana.

This team could feed their cases over to the office of D.A. Adam Schiff. Back from retirement to oust Branch by a narrow margin, Schiff is once again reigning in Jack McCoy the Crusader. Ably assisted by Junior Prosecutor and moral compass Jamie Ross, Jack finds no end of trouble making cases on the evidence brought in by loose-canon Logan and shady-past Fontana.

All are occasionally given a dose of advice and reality by no-nonsense psychanalyst Emil Skoda.


If you drove a Skoda, you should see a psychiatrist.