Your least favorite current commercials

I hate the truck commercials where they drop a trailer over the edge of a canyon and it pulls it back up, or drives through to giant pivoting swing arms, missing total destruction by inches. I want to see them drop a real full trailer load over the edge of a precipice and watch as the much lighter truck goes flying to it’s Gorfian doom.
I’ve only seen it a couple of times, but I actually like the football commercial where John Madden asks to see some guy’s arm when he’s looking at garden gnomes at a garage sale. Makes me want to chuck a garden gnome at something.


I still have to go with the old Holiday Inn Express commercials…

The ones that confuse intelligence with knowledge.

Your so smart because you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express you can now do brain surgery!

Don’t know why it grates me so much. Those commercials have been on for years.

Speaking of the stupid gnome… I don’t get the point of those commercials. They always start with the gnome saying that such-and-such is a myth, but then he is always proven WRONG. Then he says how cheap Travelocity is, and suddenly we’re supposed to believe him?

Since the very first time they aired, I’ve hated the “Cingular/AT&T- now more bars in more places” ads, where they show everything representing the five reception bars on a cell phone, about 10 different times in each shot of the ad. It’s irrational, I know, but I hate the whole concept. As if life magically mimics a phone’s reception bars, everywhere you look. I immediately have to switch the channel.

Yeah, that’s just a load of rich creamery butter.

Well, I certainly Can’t Believe It’s Not!

He says he’s a huge Red Sox fan, which explains a lot for me.

I think you’ve nailed it. Collect the checks Dane, your time is ticking away.

Those Taco Bell cheese commericals where they show people consuming various products with big, mucous-like strands of cheese between their mouths and the food. They always make me gag.

There’s a local ad for Cameron Village (a shopping center that wants to be classy) that airs at least twice per commercial break on the local CBS affiliate. The commercial is rather hard to describe – it’s a series of clips illustrating all the things one can find at Cameron Village. The last clip is of a shrill little girl clutching a stuffed horse and shrieking “UNICORNS!!!” I swear the volume goes up on that final clip.

The new iPhone commercials are horrendous. I mean, the jackass who claims he used to tote around a bag with all of his electronic equipment: ipod, camera, cell phone, and then, naturally, another phone to check email. But life is grand now that he has the iPhone. Idiot.

There’s a commercial on for some kind of boxed soup right now (Gavenney? Starts with a ‘G’) and they show this woman in an office. She leaves an unopened can on her desk and walks away. Comes back, gets a smooshy “Aww, somebody left me a gift?” look on her face, and opens it. One of those stuffed snakes springs out, and she squawks with laughter–a grating screech. Same thing goes when she opens her lunch bag to discover the box of soup–she peeks several, all breathless with surprise, and lets out that excited high-pitched squeak again. The tagline? “Something-Whatever Soup: Surprise yourself today!”

Lady? That’s not being cute. That’s having issues.

Every one of those damn investment banking ads where the people are made to look like animation. Each one has the person talking about investing while in the middle of doing something else, so only half their focus is on whoever they’re supposed to be talking to, I guess to make them seem more “real”. So why make them cartoons?! I hate the way the actors try so hard to appear casual and candid, it makes it all the more fake and nausiating

I literally have to mute the TV and look away when they show the Domino’s Pizza (I think it’s Domino’s) ad for the Oreo cookie pie. The ad in which the people eating the pie get progressively larger oreo mustaches and beards. Food on the face makes me sick to my stomach, and I just can’t watch that one.


Yeah, that one’s disgusting. I mean, I couldn’t even stand all those 1990s milk ads with the celebrities sporting milk mustaches, and now this Domino’s ad has the two guys looking like they ate a pile of cow shit for lunch. Ick.

You’re doing it wrong. I change the channel, and I’m too punctual about coming back, either.

I haven’t seen most of these, thank og.
One I really can’t stand is for the electronic device – I think it’s an iPod, but I’m not sure, and don’t particularly want to know – that features the woman singing “1 -2-3-4, tell me that you love me more”, and then I can’t make out another damned line. But I can’t get the damned thing out of my head, so my mind make up absurd lyrics.

"3 - 4 - 5 - 6 tell me that you Pick up Sticks

5 - 6 - 7 - 8, Tell me that you Lay them Straight

Oooooh-ooooh You know who you ARE"

'Tis indeed the iPod- iPod Nano, to be precise. Song is 1 2 3 4, performed by Feist.

Thank you. Hate.

I friggin’ HATE all the Holiday Inn ads with the morons who do things like annoy Cal Ripken and sing bad 80’s songs.

I second the Wendy’s ads with the red wigs. I’m only the second person in this thread to mention those ads, which scares me.

Enough already with the Viagra/Cialis/Levitra ads during the baseball playoffs! The worst thing about these ads is that they are LONG. Viva Viagra? No, viva la mute button!

Come on, Domino’s works hard to put food on their family!