Your least favorite current commercials

Yeaaaahh…but I have to admit I find the commercial pretty damn funny. Especially the “Listen to your mother” at the end.

“Head On”, huh? How do you use it?

Just set it and forget it!

Maybe I’m an outcast, but I love the Snickers “FEAST!” commercials. There all part of a series of random historical figures (Viking, pilgrim, random European king, Hawaiin dude, etc…) all enjoying Snickers and driving around in an old Honda or Toyota. I suspect those with Y chromosomes are more likely to enjoy them…appealing to our inner caveman. :stuck_out_tongue:

There is this series of beef jerky commercials which involve a group of guys in the woods doing various things to piss off a bigfoot-like creature. I know I’m not the target demographic (I’m a female vegetarian), oh my, even if I did eat beef jerky, I would never buy it from them.

Well, I am their target demographic, and I think they’re pretty stupid too.

Which reminds me of yet another annoying series. The Coors Light series where they have it set up like a press conference. Dork boys in the “press corp” will ask extremely stupid questions. Then they’ll have a clip of a pro sports coach from an actual news conference spliced in. Hilarity doesn’t ensue.

Apparently I am really, really old. I couldn’t figure out that commercial. My first thought was, “Why is he asking her about the rap mix? Is she supposed to be his girlfriend? She’s just hanging out at the studio while he works?”

And my other question was, “What does country have to do with hot wing doritos?”

I don’t know the slightest thing about rap obviously.

But honestly, why does Doritos need commercials? As far as I am concerned, they sell themselves.

Not me. The “Messin’ with Sasquatch” commercials are actually my favorite ones right now. I really like the one where they set a bag of crap on fire outside of his cave and he stomps it out. I think they’re hilarious.

That’s for the Bank of Scotland. They probably won’t be running out of money anytime soon.

I can’t stand the Cadillac “Does your car turn you on?” commercials. Why no, it doesn’t. It’s a FRIGGIN car!

The GD frikken Nissan Rogue commercials!!! :mad: Enough already!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I absolutely detest that soup swilling asshole. I want to jam that container down his throat to stop the slurping and his moaning. AAAAGGGHHH!!!

I’ll believe you that there are a series of such commercials, but why do I see the trash can tossing one so often, and it is the ONLY one of the series I have ever seen?

Noticeably absent from this thread is that idiotic D’Angelo’s commercial with the guy dressed up as a sub sandwich and annoying the athlete. Honestly, is a jingle that grates on my nerves supposed to make me buy the product? I now associate the place with annoying music rather than a history of food poisoning.

Any Captain Morgan commercial. Ick. They’re all bad.

The Dane Cook MLB spots are obnoxious as hell.

The Akavar weight-loss commercials are giving me an aneurysm. “We couldn’t say it on TV if it weren’t true!” Dumbass, nobody believes what they see on TV.

I hate these mainly because the comic potential is so great. You’ve got 1500 press conferences to take lines out of context from. This is the best you can do? Bigfoot?

Is Cook even a baseball fan? I don’t watch that much of his stuff but I can’t recall him ever talking about baseball… the commercials just seem like “I’m collecting a paycheck before my star fades entirely…go watch baseball!”

Where to start? So many commercials are annoying.

But I find the Travelocity commercial in which the gnome’s hat is being used to juice an orange strangely disquieting. The woman at the swim-up bar watches the procedure. And then drinks the juice.

My present pet hate - the Pizza Hut deal with Mom and soccer brats arriving home – “Oh no, Dad’s cooking!” – only to beam with delight that idiot boy has managed to get enough blood to his brain through a nasty, too tight neck tie to dial for delivery craptacular pizza.

And the perfect wife turns to him, whispering “I love you.” Because he didn’t cook, but instead bought Pizza Hut.

I hate it. Hate hate hate hate hate it.

Man, that one got me too. I was just thinking, what a healthy meal. PH za, breadsticks and dessert sticks, all washed down with a gallon of soda. For crying out loud, couldn’t you slice up a cucumber or tear open a bag of lettuce to go with the grease and carbs?

Don’t get me wrong, we’re no health nuts in casa Dinsdale. But on the occasions that we swill slop, we acknowledge it, rather than acting as tho we deserve a commendation.