Your list of assets.

If you make a list in the **broad meaning **of the term,what all would you include?

Interesting question. I might include a list of monetary assets or a list of personal strengths.

For me, anything tangible that I can assign a monetary value to.

I guess I’d initially assume it meant house, car, etc. Then the other meaning of assests would occur to me.

I wouldn’t provide a list of both my possessions AND my personal characteristics; I’d have to ask which list was wanted (though it will likely be obvious - an accountant will be asking about my material assets, and a job application will be asking about my personal strengths).

An unshattered skull.

Will it include your age?

In other words,is age an asset?

Age in and of itself would not be considered an asset. Experience on the other hand could be.

If only we had a wheelbarrow!

Nope. If it can’t be sold, it isn’t an asset. I’m pretty sure my age wouldn’t be worth a bucket of spit.

Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a holocaust cloak.

My brains, his strength, and your steel? Against 60 men? Impossible.

I’d like to sell about 30 years of my age.

  • Sparkling wit
  • Dashing good looks
  • Jedi mind trick capability (*already have this on my resume)
  • Penis

The opposite, for me. Perhaps because I don’t have any material assets (though I’ll own my car in 2.5 more years!). :slight_smile:

Depends. Mainly on what kind of list it’s for :wink: