Your Literary Crushes

I’m madly in love with Sam Vimes. More badass than Eastwood and cooler than Bogey, what girl can resist?

The question is, are you dragon-proof? :wink:

Yeesh. I’m so much of a dork, I don’t even know what you people are talking about (for the most part).

Gilbert Hernandez’s La Luba, (and at least half her daughters, most prominently Guadalupe.)

Francis Lymond - Oh, be still my beating heart.

James Cobham from “Freedom and Necessity”.

Oh, and not forgetting Hawk, Joe Pike and Reacher.

Damn you, ivylass.

Fine then, I’ll claim Iorek Byrnisson. Yeah, I know, but a more noble, tragic character I don’t think I’ll ever find. Damn, but I love that bear.

You’re claiming a bear, right? An armoured bear?

Not interested in Jamie, ivylass. You can keep him.

I want Con from Sunshine, and the book Aragorn (not the movie version, please).

Percy Blakeney, aka the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Good call, although I still love Darcy the best. And I like Mr. Knightley from Emma; he’s the kind of handsome couch potato I could go for.

When I was younger, I had a thing for that kid Dickon who hung out with the girl in The Secret Garden; Colin grew on me as well.

And Calvin O’Keefe in the L’Engle books. (Reviewing them in amazon is really taking me back! nostalgia trip)

Francisco d’Anconia and Hank Rearden from Atlas Shrugged
Gail Wynand from The Fountainhead
Sirius Black from Harry Potter
Sherlock Holmes
Klyd Farris from Jacqueline Lichtenberg’s **Sime~Gen ** series.
And I, too, think that Zaphod Beeblebrox would be fun–for awhile. :slight_smile:

Lovely plan, except that we’re just as likely to end up in the hands of Nobby and Colon.

Oh, goody! No one’s taken mine yet…

Vanyel Ashkevron from Mercedes Lackey’s The Last Herald-Mage trilogy.
Tylendel Frellenye from the same series.

Absolutely Francisco d’Anconia from Atlas Shrugged. Of course I’m competing with every straight woman and gay man who read the book.

Good call. Well, we’ll think of something Right Cunning.

…one of these days…

Atticus Finch

Colonel Brandon

Aureliano Buendia

Nick Andros

You know. The strong, silent, intellectual type.


And for the sheer joy de vivre there’d be in it:

BOTH Fred and George Weasley.



Hmm, let me see…

Lord Peter Wimsey. Sydney Carton. Herbert Pocket from Great Expectations. Richard III, both Josephine Tey and Shakespeare versions (yeah, I know, not technically a fictional character, but close enough). Edmund from King Lear. Remus Lupin. Bosola and Antonio from The Duchess of Malfi (for different reasons). Mr. Rochester. And, on the authorial side, John Keats, John Donne, and Ted Hughes.

Apparently, I am attracted to an odd mixture of Nice But Taken Boys and Boys Who Are Nothing But Trouble. Go figure. (I’d also be tempted to throw in Colin from The Secret Garden and Simon from Lord of the Flies if it didn’t make me feel like a complete pedophile.)

ivylass, you can have Jamie, but I want Roger. What a sweetie! And Ian, Sr. alwyas struck me as an awesome guy (if my daughter had been a boy, she’d be Ian). Jamie, I’d be afraid of!

To whoever said Dickon Sowerby, I’m with you there. He was so awesome. As a kid I also had a thing for both Almanzo and Royal Wilder, and Laurie Laurence. Oh, and I know this isn’t always popular, but I sure did like Will Stanton too.

I also have a huge crush on Archie Goodwin. Yum-my.
And Benedict from Much Ado is pretty cool too.

Christopher Heron from The Perilous Gard – my most enduring crush. (I first read this book at age 11…so it’s been strong for 17 years).

Nat from The Witch of Blackbird Pond

(Don’t be grossed out, now…) The Hound from A Song of Ice and Fire. AND Littlefinger (ACC_Expat, Amok’s portrait did it for me, too! And he’s so eeeevil!)

Petruchio (especially as portrayed by Jasper Britton in the RSC production I saw a few years ago…sigh)

Mr. Rochester, of course.

Mr. Thornton from North and South

Roger Hamley from Wives and Daughters

(OK, here’s another sick one…) Henleigh Grandcourt from Daniel Deronda (Don’t hate me! He just has so much…power…)



Anne, of Green Gables fame
Miyazaki’s Kushana from the manga Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Tinker, from Wen Spencer’s Tinker
Bettie Paige (So she’s not fictional, not really. Sue me.)
Princess Cimmorene, from Patricia Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles