Pay atttention, kindly. I never said I wanted to payment for his corneas. I said we should have been asked if it would be okay and we were not consulted.
I would refuse to have an organ transplant.
However, if my brother or sister need a kidney, lung or part of my liver, they can have it.
There are two other people who would get the same offer.
The reason is because I know and love them, and in exchange for their getting my body parts I get the pleasure of their company.
Selfish? Sure I am. Like most people I think of myself first.
There is no incentive to donate to strangers.
The numbers speak for themselves. After all the campaigning, the number of organs donated stays around 17,000 per year.
Seems like no matter how many ads showing dewey eyed kids or whatever the current patient of the month, most people just aren’t motivated to contribute to strangers or to an entity such as an Organ Bank.
Of course my beloved was selfish, he and his family were first with him. That is one of the reasons I loved him so.
I think what might be bothering some of you is that I am a female, and you have this notion that the ‘gentler sex’ isn’t supposed to care about such things as money.
Love and ‘contributing to the good of humanity’ should be women’s concerns seems to be the prevailing wishful thinking.
Sorry to awaken you from your dreams but the reality is most, if not all, people are selfish and could care less about the ‘others’.
If this were not reality, then there would be an abundance of organs being supplied.
Maybe we should look to Japan, Brazil, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey and the Phillipines where the sale of organs is legal.