I was having a conversation with someone about a couple of weeks ago, and I don’t know how it started, but he kept going on and on about how if you were to give up your U.S. citizenship and your social security number, that your are entitled to a million dollars, and he mentioned something about the U.S. actually belonging to the swiss… or some other German/European country… half of me was like “What are we all waiting for lets go get paid!” and the other half of me was thinking that there was no way that could be true, does anyone know anything about these statements?
Conspiracy Theory whackjobs don’t usually make much sense. That should help you more than that person’s blathering.
You’ve learned something important here. Unfortunately, that thing is to never talk to that person ever again.
There are some deluded souls out there who believe that the American Revolution was partly funded by the British Crown and that Americans, therefore, are still subjects of said crown. We ain’t Brits regardless of what the nutters think.
Here is a quote from one of the nutters:
Bizarre legalistic ramblings hold an odd fascination for me. Luckily, there is a whole website full of this shit.
Strangely enough $1,000,000 will ‘buy’ you a fully legal Green Card to live in US
Not that this has anything to do with the conspiracy nut’s theories.
It was just funny listening to this guy talk, he was this built and tall older black fellow just rambling on and on about the government and it’s flaws and how corrupt it is…
You need to refer him to this website. He can discuss his theories in explicit detail there: http://zapatopi.net/afdb/
I can’t think of what someone’s physical description might have on whether or not they’re a whack job.
FWIW, I don’t have US Citizenship even though I am a resident. And to me, it’s not worth a million dollars.
I seem to recall that in a way, the opposite is true.
I have read various articles where the US Government makes it difficult for people with US citizenship to give it up, and often assume anyone who DOES want to give up their citizenship are doing it to avoid taxes.
I wish I could find a good cite for the article I read but it was several years ago.
yadda yadda, the Master speaks cliche