your username

I’m interested in seeing the teeming millions thought process for choosing a username for these boards. my story is last year, a friend and i were in english class amusing ourselves by making childish sounds (we were bored). previously in cultures we learned about anne frank and one of our sounds went “Miep” as in miep gies. and mean went in “merp” so i became merper

and i like the number 32

I was walking down the street when something caught my eye… and dragged it 15 feet.–Emo Phillips

Someone said to me, “Make yourself a sandwich.” Well, if I could make myself a sandwich, I wouldn’t make myself a sandwich. I’d make myself a horny 18-year-old billionaire.

mine is unfortunately because i was having a no brainer night lol… usually i am more original with things like this…

I’ve been using “Max Torque” since I started calling BBSes in 1991, and just stuck with it as a pseudonym on the Internet.

A couple of yahoos have usurped the name in a few Internet locations. That irks me.

My real name is Louis, but since so many people say it as Louie, that’s what I known as now.

Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.
Fun with HTML (tutoral)
Give someone an F.U.

Please use the search feature of the board and find one of the two active username threads. You’ll get all the background you want from current users.

Maybe a kind soul will even provide you with a link.

I wouldn’t trust the search engine with my life. But I’ll go and look for the threads, to be nice.

To lying, cheating, stealing, and drinking.

Always lie to save a friend, cheat death,
steal your love’s heart, and drink with good friends.
—*Madison Michele

hey! i used the search engine and i got nothing from it, so i figgered that nobody asked before. curses, foiled again!

I was walking down the street when something caught my eye… and dragged it 15 feet.–Emo Phillips

Someone said to me, “Make yourself a sandwich.” Well, if I could make myself a sandwich, I wouldn’t make myself a sandwich. I’d make myself a horny 18-year-old billionaire.

Well, I’ve answered this before, but I never pass up a chance to talk about myself. :wink:

My last name is pronounced “seal”, but a lot of people pronounce the silent “E” (I call those people “schmucks”).

My friends started calling me SealE to bug me, then it morphed into SealE mon (silly man, see?)

For some reason, I couldn’t just register “Sealemon” here, so I added 88 because that’s when I escaped the hell called high school (not that I’m bitter, or anything).

Wow. That story is even more exciting the second time, isn’t it? :wink:

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Well, I didn’t post to the other threads, so here’s mine:

It’s a silly pun I came up with one night, and decided to use as a screen name. That’s all. No big story, no drama, no suspense, no full frontal nudity, just a silly pun. Good grief, I just described my whole life…

Modest? You bet I’m modest! I am the queen of modesty!

Number #1
Story behind your alias

Interesting - I had always read it as Sea-lemon, and wondered if you’ve had a bad experience with a boat!

Its not junk - its a collection!

I’m sort of a newbie, and haven’t posted on the other threads.

I’d just finished reading Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon (the best book I’ve read in a long, long time, incidentally) and was thinking about cryptography (code making/breaking). A “keystream” is the sequence of digits used to configure your set of variables in order to encode or decode your message.

For example, you can use an arbitrary sequence, say, the first 500 characters in the day’s New York Times, as a keystream to properly configure a set of numbers (like shuffling a deck of cards in a certain way) in order to encrypt/decrypt a message.

Definition aside, I just liked the sound of the word.

Number #2!
The CONTINUING Story Behind Your Alias

Not exactly about usernames, but there are still blackmailable stuff here.
Put your modesty away and share!

And of all of the odd places to find the backstory.
Moderators and Movie characters.

OpalCat keeps profiles on her website at The Teeming Millions Webpage

My alias, short story.
SterlingNorth (from city of Sterling, VA + Northern part of VA, where Sterling is located.

To lying, cheating, stealing, and drinking.

Always lie to save a friend, cheat death,
steal your love’s heart, and drink with good friends.
—*Madison Michele

Short and dull – I’ve always had cats, but never a purebred. And some cat people, rather than calling plain vanilla cats “alley cats” or “moggies” call them “randombred.” Hence “Catrandom”

I do it for shock value and the humor I can give and receive with such a controversial user name.

If it pisses off a fundie along the way, well, that’s okay too!

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis ad capul tuum saxum immane mittam.

I think I did this last time, too…I’m a girl, but “Pixie” was too cute for me when I registered. Pixoid, however, was slightly odd, and so acceptable.


I thought Sterling North was an author – something about raccoons or fuzzy critters?

Pluto is my real name. I am the god of the underworld. If you think iamthecowgodmoo has friends in low places, just try me!

Actually it’s an old AOL name with a long story that I’m not going to share.

“The inability of science to grasp Quality, as an object of enquiry, makes it impossible for science to provide a scale of values.”
Robert Pirsig