You're not a good Christian...

GRRL – The problem with trying to set up a national “nonfundaloony” group is that moderate Christians generally don’t have any particular agenda they want to further. This is a problem many “tolerant” organizations have, by the way: How do you “force” toleration upon people when the whole idea of toleration is antithetical to telling people what they should believe or (within the most general parameters) how they should behave?

Fundamentalists have a national organization because they have a national agenda; if they can’t get everyone to believe as they do, they can at least attempt to have everyone live their lives according to what the fundamentalists consider the “right” way – no abortion rights, no teaching of sex ed or evolution, whatever. Moderate Christians don’t have such an agenda.

As I said before, I also think part of the problem is that moderation and reasonableness rarely make good copy; who wants to report on people who try to lead good (if quiet) lives, going to church once a week (most of the time), and giving some of their time and money to charity? Where’s the news in that? So we read about people saying that the earth is only 6,000 years old, or that God wants every copy of Huckleberry Finn to be burned, or that Jesus appeared on a tortilla in Mexico. That’s interesting; moderation is not.

Some sincere desire for Christians to speak out against the excesses of other Christians has been expressed. I think the question comes up fairly frequently, in this sort of form:

“If you are a Christian, and you are not an Idiot, why do you let these Idiots speak for you all the time?”

I am a Christian. I will always affirm that, if it becomes a part of the conversation. I don’t feel that it is the most important fact to bring up in every conversation. Whether or not you are a Christian, or should be, or could be, is a subject, which I would be happy to discuss with you, individually, if you bring it up. Whether or not you are an idiot is something I am unlikely to bring up, no matter what your religion is.

Christianity is not a team. We don’t even have a flag. For me, even the symbols that are associated with Jesus are only small mementos of spiritual matters. The spiritual matters are not of a nature which lends itself to intellectual examination. I am not a Christian because I am smart, or even particularly good at it. I don’t even like all the Christians I meet. (I am supposed to love them, and I do try, but it isn’t easy.)

Being a Christian is not a political point of view. If you think it is, then go vote for Jesus. I don’t think he is running for anything. But I am not interested in dragging my spiritual life and personal relationship with the God of all Creation through the gutters of American Politics. I don’t have the authority to judge your theology, and will express my judgement of your politics at the polls.

So, the answer is, no, I don’t think I am an idiot, although opinion does vary somewhat. I don’t always speak out against “those Christians” because Christians do not speak for me, or, in my opinion, for Christ. (This includes me, of course.) They speak for themselves. When they speak like idiots, then they will be heard as idiots. If you decide that everyone else who is a Christian is exactly like them, then the number of idiots goes up. Pardon me if I stay out of the party.
<p align=“center”>Tris</p>

Out of curiosity, jodih, what are your thoughts on evolution?

::Stepping very gingerly and warily::

My thoughts on evolution are that there is nothing about that particular theory that is inconsistent with my personal faith or my personal understanding of the Christian faith in general. The idea that God would create the world 6000 years ago and make it only seem to be millions of years old makes no sense to me. Why do you ask?

Satan - without getting onto a battle over semantics, allow me rephrase what I said. The Pope has power. He can make a decree that affects the lives of millions of Catholic believers. Certain people in the Mormon religion wield power. Glidden is a local evangelical pastor. He has no power. He does have influence, which can be equally as dangerous, but is not synonymous. Billy Graham is one of the most influential Christians of this century, but he has no power. His “decree” would be binding on no church or individual Christian. Apparently, those of Glidden’s ilk in Kansas have influenced some very powerful people.

Perhaps I read too much into your statement, but to me, “person in a position of power” conjures images of Popes and Kings.

Does this mean I don’t get the CD? :stuck_out_tongue:

The overwhelming majority of people have more than the average (mean) number of legs. – E. Grebenik

Jodih said:

If you don’t like the way I accurately described you, then change the way you act. It’s just that simple. As for your whining about “junion-high” stuff, I was specifically addressing my comments to Satan. Thus, you were mentioned as a “she.” If I were addressing it directly to you (as I am now), you would be “you.” I’m not sure why you have such problems understanding the concept of pronouns. Oh, and there was nothing “irrelevant” about what I said – it was directly relevant to the way you were acting here in your responses to Satan. Again, if you don’t like it, don’t act that way. I’m sure I’d want an attorney to have many of the qualities you’ve displayed here if I were in court; that doesn’t mean that same attitude serves you well in a discussion like this one.

DAVID – If you have a problem with me, or my attitude, take it up with me. Posting things like that I pound away without comprehension in a thread you know I am likely to read – insulting me, in other words – and then taking refuge in the lame excuse that you weren’t talking to me but only about me is immature in the extreme. If you have any problem with me, here I am.

I affirmatively deny that you have “accurately described” me, and I feel under no obligation to change the way I act to please anyone – but especially not someone who comes out of right field to attack me and doesn’t have the guts to do it to me personally. Since we’re airing personal opinions, here’s mine of you:

You are so absolutely convinced of the rightness of your opinions, you are apparently unable to recognize that anyone might legitimately disagree with you. You therefore insist upon interpreting anyone’s disagreement as a failure to comprehend what you are “really” saying. In other words, it’s not that you might possibly be wrong, but that the other person is stupid. The breathtaking vanity of this is self-evident. You will notice, however, that I have the courage to address my comments to you. Give it a try.

When I want your opinion about whether my attitude serves me well or not, I assure you I’ll ask you for it. Heck, give it to me anyway; just have the maturity to address it to me.

jodih, IMNSHO, moderate Christians should have an agenda, if they care about their religion as much as they claim–protecting it from yahoos like Rev. Glidden, et. al. That should be enough of an agenda, don’t you think?

As an aside, I would like to point out that any time I say something akin to:

you seem to have a real problem with it. It sure feels different on the other side, doesn’t it? I’m not publicly agreeing with or disagreeing with what David said, simply striking while the irony is hot.

“I love God! He’s so deliciously evil!” - Stewie Griffin, Family Guy

Jodih said:

I have, thanks.

I neither took refuge nor made an excuse. I knew you would read it. I expected you to read it. It’s not like I was talking behind your back. Again, I’m sorry you can’t seem to understand the use of pronouns, but again you are going off on a silly tangent that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

Yes, I noticed. Thanks.

Well of course you do. That’s fine. But considering how many others have noticed the same thing, you don’t suppose there might just be something to what I said?

Of course you don’t. I’m just some guy on a message board. That’s your perogative – as long as you recognize that this is how others perceive you.

Let’s see. I posted it in a public area where you were involved in the discussion, knowing full well that you would see it. Yup, it’s obvious that I didn’t have the guts to say it to “personally.” I was obviously trying to hide behind your back. Oh, that would be sarcasm, by the way.

Wow. Have you looked in a mirror lately, Jodi? Because that’s about who you just described – not me, but you. I very well recognize that people can legitimately disagree, and I have perfectly good discussions with some folks here even when we do disagree. The problem is that even when things are explained to you (often several times), you stubbornly insist on continuing to misinterpret, misunderstand, or otherwise misrepresent what has been said. You refuse to acknowledge when correct information has been given to you (remember the Jews for Jesus thread?). I could go on and on, but I’m a bit short of time right now, and I’m sure you’re just shaking your head because you don’t recognize any of this in yourself, so there is little point in continuing anyway.

You should know by now that I don’t wait for people to ask for my opinions. That’s why we’re all here – to discuss our opinions. If you don’t like my opinion of you, well, as an attorney friend of mine says: “Too bad, so sad.”

As another Christian who didn’t check his brain (or heart) at the door when he found the Lord a few decades back, I thought I’d jump in for a moment.

First, I have to give the devil his due: Satan, I think your initial point is well taken. jodih, if I may try to be helpful, I don’t think Satan’s saying anything insulting about Christians in general; he’s just reporting on something that’s going on in our society.

Richard Cohen was making the same point in his column in the Washington Post this morning when he said, “I would [be] happier if we could come up with the names of contemporary religious figures who have the stature and fame to stand up to the religious right. None comes to mind. It’s not that good
people are not doing good things; it’s rather that for some reason, the public at large is unaware of them. The national pulpit has been left to the religious right.”

And, yes, that fact does make Christians in general look like a bunch of illiterate zombies that will follow their blow-dried TV preachers anywhere, so long as it sounds like that old-time religion.

I’m far from sure how to solve this problem, but I think one ingredient needs to be some sort of rallying point, some catalyst, for Christians who don’t buy what Falwell, Robertson, Gary Bauer, Ralph Reed, Beverly LaHaye, Pat Buchanan, Don Wildmon, and all those…well, whatever you want to call them…are selling.

People for the American Way (and a couple of similar organizations) exist to speak out against the ‘Christian’ right for purely secular reasons. I think it does a good job, so far as it goes, but I’m biased; my brother-in-law used to be a veep there, and still works for them as a consultant.

But it doesn’t do what I’d like to see some organization do: tell the world, point by point, why the religious right’s agenda and conduct have absolutely nothing to do with the Gospel. (Imagine if we could point out to all those people wearing ‘WWJD’ bracelets that what Pat Robertson does is exactly what Jesus WOULDN’T do!)

I wouldn’t want such an organization to have a political agenda of its own; its

would be to compare the words and deeds of persons publicly claiming to speak for Christians, or for God, with the Gospel accounts of who and what Jesus was (and, for those of us who believe, is).

That wouldn’t take care of the problem, but, IMO, it would be where to start.

I told DAVID “If you have a problem with me, or my attitude, take it up with me,” to which he replied:

No, actually, you haven’t. Well, you have now, because I called you on it, but you didn’t originally. Instead you insulted me to other people and then tried to take refuge in the fact that you weren’t talking to me but only about me. That was, is, and always will be, lame in the extreme and cowardly.

So you were just being a gratuitous jerk? You certainly didn’t add anything productive to the debate by characterizing me as you did. No, instead of taking issue with my post, which would be legitimate, you took issue with me personally, which is not – and without the balls to do it to me personally.

That is how you perceive me. If you are going to present yourself as speaking for more people then just you, then I suggest you get your troops in order before you do so. I frankly don’t give a damn how you preceive me, because I no longer have the iota of respect for you that would be necessary to foster such a concern. But I refuse to believe you speak for anyone but yourself.

“Personally” would be to me, as you are now doing because I have forced you to.

Not behind my back, precisely, and yet not quite to my face, either.

What – ‘I know you are but what am I’? I’m hardly going to get into an argument about which of us is correct, but I will point out that I have never mounted the sort of attack upon you that you have now mounted upon me.

[quopte]The problem is that even when things are explained to you (often several times), you stubbornly insist on continuing to misinterpret, misunderstand, or otherwise misrepresent what has been said.

I have never intentionally misrepresented anything posted here. If I contiue to disagree it’s because – stay with me here – I disagree with you.

Bullshit. Once it was pointed out to me that the information was in fact correct, I acknowledged it and apologized for my misapprehension.

Correct. In fact, there was little point in starting it in the first place. Why did you, anyway.

Well, here’s the question: When an opinion seems calculated to do nothing more than offend someone, what is the value in posting it? MY opinion is now that you are an asshole of the first order, and if you don’t like it – too bad, so sad.

Well, correct me if I am off the point here, but I think part of Satan’s point was that the anti-evolutionist pastor and people like him tend to wield a lot of power, and they sway lots of people into thinking things like the earth is only 6,000 years old, etc. I would say that this is probably a bit of a misconception which is fed by the news media, because, as Jodih pointed out, the people who are reasonable and intelligent, not to mention responsible, do not make money for the media, and ergo, we never hear about them.

I would point out that the number of Christians who think that folks like the guy described in the OP are way out in left field is twenty times larger than the “fundaloonies”. Most (not all, but most) Roman Catholics have no problem with evolution, and they are tolerant with other believer’s views. Granted, they’re pretty vociferous about the abortion debate, and they tend to get more than a little uppity whenever they feel that their faith has been inpugned, such as the Brooklyn Museum debacle, but by and large, they’re pretty quiet, and they don’t threaten people with hellfire and damnation, nor do they try to convert people by beating them about the head and shoulders with 14-pound Schofield reference Bible. How many Catholics are there in the United States? 60 million. The next largest body is the Southern Baptist Convention, at 16 million. Even if the SBC were all believers in the things put forth by the pastor in the OP (and I hasten to affirm that they are NOT), the relatively “quiet” Catholics have them outnumbered by 44 million members. I can only imagine how far they outnumber the “fundaloonies” who get all the press coverage. My point? As I said, for every goofball Christian out there, you have 20 or more Christians who think he’s a nut. The nuts have far less influence and power than you might be led to believe, however, by reading the press reports about them.

As for the question of why do we let these loonies speak for us instead of standing up and denouncing them, there are a couple of different reasons why. One is, if you have large groups of Christians standing up and denouncing other groups of Christians, it makes us all look like a bunch of squabbling little warmongering nabobs, which is as bad as the statements made by the fundaloonies contrasting what more moderate Christians believe, so we really aren’t gaining anything anyway. Furthermore, it drives wedges, it alienates people, and it causes resentful feelings between various denominations. That isn’t the Kingdom of God, that’s Yugoslavia. On top of that, most Christian organizations have enough on their plates anyway, what with trying to run their churches, their schools, and their various ministries, such as shelters, colleges, hospitals, soup kitchens, etc., to spend time debating boneheads like our friend in the OP.

Besides, it is to be assumed that most reasonable and intelligent people, Christian or not, are going to be able to discern the difference between a guy like our OP pal and the bulk of Christian believers in the same way that they can discern the difference between Pat Buchanan and the rest of the Republican Party; or any other individual of any other group that’s on the fringe. I’ve never heard of anybody looking at Carl Sagan and saying, “Wow, I guess all atheist scientists are weirdos who stumble around in a cannabis haze all the time.” I’ve never heard of anybody looking at Werner von Braun and Walter Dornberger and saying, “Look at that! Seems that all rocket engineers are former Nazi officers in the SS who used slave labor before the CIA brought them over here to build our moon rockets!” Most people can tell the difference between the fringe and the mainstream. But once again, if you believe the extremist reports you see on the news, you might think that they don’t. I have said this before, but it bears repeating: America, if you want unbiased and accurate reporting, two acronyms: NPR and BBC.

The next little shootin’ match I’m going to address does not concern me, so I’m sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong, and it will undoubtably get me flamed, and I’m going to do it anyway.
Dave, go easy on Jodih. Those of us who are regular posters here know what your philosophy concerning religious matters is, and we know what Jodih’s is, as well. Attacks and rebuttals on subjects that have been done before does not add anything of value to our discussion here, all it does is clog up web space. Unless you are deliberately trying to provoke a flamewar, give it a rest or take it to the Pit.
Jodih, my advice is not to react in anger or indignation to Dave’s posts. Granted, we have all done this before, myself included; it’s not easy to be slammed and to take a step back and not respond with the outrage that you feel at the moment. But we can do better than this; you can do better than this. This is not what Jesus would do. I’m asking your forgiveness for what I’m about to say, Jodih, but you are not responding to Dave’s posts in a Christian manner. I’m sorry to put it this way, and you have every right to be angry with me for saying this. I agree. But instead of slamming back when Dave slams you, why not turn the other cheek? Why not pray for him? Why not pray for yourself, as well? And while you’re at it, would you please pray for me, too?

As St. Ambrose once said, “For the love of God, let us have peace.”

PICKMAN – You are, of course, right, and I appreciate your pointing it out to me. One of my main vices is a world-class temper, and I despise it when people who choose to attack me don’t even have the integrity to do it honorably. But it isn’t Christian of me to respond in kind, I know, and I hereby pledge to stop. I wish I could say it’s mainly because I have listened to your voice of reason, but the truth is I think I’ve said everything I need to say anyway. But thanks for reining me in.

Hmmmm . . .

Does anybody but me find it wildly ironic that Satan started a thread that resulted in a couple of flame exchanges, and even prompted people of faith to (amiable) disagreement?


I know you understand what you heard me say, but what you don’t understand is what I said is not necessarily what I meant.

Not me, Quixotic.
I wouldn’t have expected anything less.

jodih asked of David:

Um… Me too, actually. Not that you care and not that you think my opinion matters, but this was my first battle of wits with you, jodih, and the troops I sarcastically called to my side almost unanimously said, “Uh, thanks, but she doesn’t listen, and I ain’t going through THAT again…”

I would say that both Christians and secular folks in this thread seemed to have no problem with what I was saying or how I was saying it for the most part.

If you would read this thread - print it out, read everything - not just your own posts over and over again like I’m sure you do - you will find that MANY people perceive you in an unflattering light when it comes to spirited discourse.

Most of them are just nicer about it than David and myself. Hell, even Phil gave you a light pennance this time around (I can only wonder what you DID to him…)

I asked you your thoughts on evolution because I was going to use your logic to the answer and start making bizarre claims by reading things into what you said, and when you enevitably rebuffed them, to continue to argue with you as if you didn’t say anything to clear your name, either ignoring what you said or continuing to twist words.

I was thinking, then you’ll know what it’s like to talk to you…

But you know what? You’re not worth the effort…

I’m really glad not all Christians are like the jerk in the OP. But I’m even more glad that not all PEOPLE are like you…

Of all the fun stuff in this thread, this cracked me up the most:

I have this picture in my head of a pack of Uzi-toting muslims running alongside a stream, watching a group of fish swim upstream. Suddenly one of them yells, “that’s him! That’s the one!” as he unslings his rifle and points it at a fish with a Rushdie-face who’s got a strap with a book attached to it trailing behind him.

Salman. It’s Salman. But thanks for the laugh!

As to the actual topic, and the players involved, I’ll say this: Satan, I think you have a point, which could have been made clearer if you had amended your initial wording after Jodih first questioned it. Maybe something like, "It is absolute “truths” like this that turn people off from Christianity, and make ALL of it’s followers look like mind-melded zealots to people who don’t have much exposure to the large number of moderate Christians out there. For that matter, I think the point would have been accurate, and clearer, if you had just left it at, “It is absolute “truths” like this that turn people off from Christianity.” Unfortunately, I think it’s the second phrase that caused the problem, and I can see why Jodih would have a problem with it: since you don’t explicitly state who the audience is, it’s reasonable to infer that it’s everyone, your intention to the contrary notwithstanding.

As to the matchstick-flamewar that ensued, David, I’d have to agree with Jodih, the manner of attack was sorta lame. And while I have a great deal of respect for both you and Phil, I have to respectfully disagree with your characterizations. While I doubt that I agree with Jodih on more than one or two religious points, I’ve always thought she argues well, and when she continues to disagree I always have the impression that she actually disagrees, not that she continues to fight because she doesn’t understand the argument put forth against her.

Now you can flame me. . .


Well, I’ll leave out most of the profanity and insults slung around by our resident Christian Lady, but a few things need replies.

Jodih said, in response to me noting that “I have” taken it up with her:

Sorry for not being clearer (I should’ve known that if pronouns upset you so much, I needed to explain this one more) – I have done it before – in earlier threads. I can remember at least once, if not more, that I specifically explained what I thought about the way you were arguing and ignoring points, etc.

Now this is exactly what I was talking about with regard to you ignoring what has been said and repeating yourself. I’ve already posted an explanation. I’ve already told you that I knew full well you would read it. I’ve already said that since I was responding to Satan’s message, of course I would talk about you using third-person pronouns. Since I had expressed these thoughts before, they should hardly come as a shock to you. But, by all means, continue to whine about my use of third-person pronouns. This is the last I’m going to say about that non-issue.

As soon as I sent that, I knew I should have written “some others” instead of just “others,” to make it clearer. In any event, I used a plural. Satan has since chimed in to note that he agrees. Guess I was right. I suspect there are others who may or may not post to this thread about it, but that really doesn’t matter now.

You refuse to believe a lot of things. That doesn’t make them any less true.

Sorry, but you described yourself in those sentences better than I possibly could have. It’s not my fault that you project your own personal weaknesses onto others. I’ve seen you do it before.

I said:

You replied:

Hmmmm. That’s funny. The word “intentionally” wasn’t in my original statement. Yet you act like it was. How odd.

Frankly, I can’t say what causes you to do it, but you do. You did it in this thread – that’s what started the whole discussion, when you misrepresented what Satan had said. You’ve done it before. You’ll probably do it again. I can’t say it’s “intentional” because I can’t read your mind. Frankly, I doubt it is intentional. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s happened.

Disagreeing is fine. As I’ve noted, I have disagreed with lots of people here. But you do more than that – you ignore posts when people explain things. Over and over again. Then you blame the other person. I have no problem with somebody disagreeing with me; I do have a problem with somebody acting like you do. And it’s not like I’m the only person who’s noticed it. But, by all means, keep acting like it’s all me.

I said:

You retorted:

BS back atcha. Both I and Phil pointed out that the information I’d provided was, in fact, correct. But you didn’t like our answers. To you, it made no sense (even though I explained it several times – per your usual pattern). It was not until somebody else said the very same thing that you accepted it.

So there you have it. If you’re just going to sling around more insults, I’m not going to bother to respond again. The ball’s in your court.

VegForLife said:

Hey, that’s fine. It’s the “respectfully” part that I care about, not the “disagree” part (and not just using the word, but meaning it – which I know you do). Perhaps you’ve seen our previous discussions, perhaps not. It’s certainly up to you to make up your own mind. But I’ve seen enough of her behavior that I think I have accurately described it.

Nah. I don’t flame people just for disagreeing. Heck, I don’t think I’ve even flamed Jodi here, though she may disagree (I guess it depends on what you think of as a flame – where I come from, what I said to and about Jodi would not qualify; I certainly didn’t go around calling her a “jerk” and various profanities; but your mileage may vary :slight_smile: ). Anyway, I think you know what I mean.

DAVID – The problem, of course, is that what you consider a “non-issue” is the precise issue as far as I’m concerned – which is that you do not have the personal intergrity to first bring whatever problems you have with me to my attention without initially posting them to someone else’s attention, apparently in the full knowledge that I would read them as well. That may be a non-issue to you, but it speaks volumes about you to me. And by the way, if you didn’t care for my language in the last post, let me remind you that it was you that strongly implied that insulting people is okay under the guise of “sharing opinions” and that a proper response to an offensive remark is ‘if you don’t like it – too bad so sad.’ You say:

Yes, you did, and I denied it then, just as I deny it now. In fact, I specifically invited you to re-post those points you thought I was ignoring and demand a response – a suggestion that, for some reason, you declined to follow. I’d suggest it again here, but you didn’t bother to actually take issue with any of the substance of my post this time – you went directly to the personal attacks. And that’s what’s funny: You’re now talking about me “ignoring” points you made in other posts – not even this post – when you could have had this fight with me then, when it was actually relevant, if you had chosen to. But you didn’t – instead you’ve apparently been waiting in the weeds to air some long-held grievance in an inappropriate manner and in an inappropriate forum. It’s intellectually dishonest and it’s cowardly – and those are not words I throw around lightly.

Satan, respectfully, you don’t have a dog in this fight. I’m not trying to solicit a popularity contest, although if you read all the posts (and don’t just repeatedly read what you’ve posted), you will find that more than one poster has agreed with me, as well. I still maintain that the point I was making regarding your original post is a valid one, but if you haven’t gotten it by now, it’s not worth repeating. Incidentally, if I’m “not worth the effort,” please stop addressing posts to me and I in turn won’t go to the effort of responding.

VEG – I know you’re not taking sides (which I don’t expect anyone to do), but thank you for your post.