Yugoslav space programme?

I stumbled onto this documentary trailer on youtube:

The documentary is called "Houston we have a Problem", and is about the Yugoslav space programme, which is alleges to have been sold to the Americans in 1961 and to have become the basis of the Saturn rockets. Presents some black and white footage, but not really any evidence, but you wouldn't expect any in a trailer. Still, this seems like something I might have heard of.

So, is there anything to it?


Comments on that page are not encouraging of a Yugoslav space program.

There isn’t any piece of US space technology that can’t be explained by the known pattern of research and development.

Anyway, why would something like that have been kept a secret? It is well known that US rockets were heavily influenced by technology developed by Nazi Germany, and while we are not proud of this, it was never really denied, even back in the 1950s. Wernher von Braun did Disney-produced TV specials on space in the mid-50s, German accent and all.

This sounds like a rumor started by someone who imagines the US to be a lot more nationalistic than we really are. Foreigners helped with the atom bomb, they helped with the space program, they helped with computers. Big deal.