Zarqawi killed in bombing.

Your thread title is certainly best suited for another forum.

"Zarqawi killed in bombing. "





Your thread title is about a person being killied. You expect no debate?Come off it.

Breaking news, on MPSIMS, priceless.

For the record, When that Man is Dead and Gone is available on iTunes. :smiley:

The Beeb report him dead and identified;

He’s gone! Congrats to the Iraqi security forces, the US soldiers, and all other coalition forces!

If the top guy keeps getting offed, one would think that the pool of qualified candidates would shrink accordingly.

Yea, the pool just shrank from 76,322 to 76,321. At this rate they would be wiped out by?

Fact is he was a very successful terrorist and his death is nothing but good news, regardless of whether the vacuum will at some point be filled by another.

Things have been so bad over there as of late, what with Hadifa and the ill will and undeniable blow to morale it caused, I’m glad to see a significant positive come about when the overwhelming percentage of people there could use it most.

Let us hope this enables a period of relative quiescence and stability.

Hey, they nailed seven of his minions. It’s 76,314 Mister Smartguy!

Woo hoo! Another pretend accomplishment for the Bush administration! Much will be made of it, and nothing will change.

AH, but it makes me feel better.
Some asshole who decapitated folks is terrorist pate’. Worth a smile over the morning coffee, at least.