
Of course you really mean two quavers for every crotchet. :slight_smile:

The *letter *zed? I thought this was a **Zardoz **appreciation thread…

Oh, thank you very much. I read this yesterday and vast portions of my demented brain decided to devote themselves to this very problem. Even though I tried to think of other things, noooo, my brain had to obsess about it.

It works to “Yellow Rose of Texas”, and I hope you get it stuck in your head as badly as I have it now.

*Al-pha, Bra-vo, Char-lie,
Del-ta and E-CHO,
Fox-trot, Golf and HO-tel,
then there’s IN-di-a.

Ju-liet, Ki-lo, Li-ma,
Mike and No-vem-BER,
Os-car, Pa-pa, QUE-bec*
And there’s RO-me-o.

Sier-ra, Tang-o, U-ni-form
Vic-tor and Whis-key
And of cou-ourse X-ray,
Yank-ee and Zu-luuuuuuuu.*

*This only works if you pronounce it QUEE-bec. Deal. :smiley:

Unless you’re in Boston, the “c” is hard.

Maybe so, but a fart in the bathtub (Flubbubble) is a lot more fun. 'Specially when you light them. :wink:

P.S, One’s farts get better amplificaton in a cast iron tub than in a plastic one. Reverb and all that.

Farts in the shower don’t count.

Just my bit to fight fart ignorance.

It’s lee-ma, but Lima Beans originated in Peru… why is there a difference in the (American*) pronunciation?

*They’re called butter beans here in the Kingdom of Butter, so no such confusion exists.

No. “c” as in “czar”, “t” as in “tsar”

And don’t forget (as someone phonetically spelled to me today) I as in eye and U as in you.


I remember (well, only the first few letters) an alphabet song in German that was very catchy. It was very like the normal “ABCDEFG” song in English, but with a german pronunciation of th eletters.

There’s a Lima, New York, pronounced like the bean. Maybe all Limas in America are pronounced that way, old bean.